I Call The Big One Bitey

So some of the best shows on television have gotten as low as a B but this gets a B+?

Are you people delusional? Since when has a Confederate ever been a hero in a Hollywood movie?

What is with the lack of A+'s?
Beloved shows like Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Parks and Rec, Community, and Louie have never received the rare A+ on this site. What's up with that?

Holy Crap!
Was that the fat guy from My Name is Earl?

I give up!
Just because it's on AMC doesn't make it good.

Dear Matt Groening

Sorry for the double post. But speaking of iCarly there is a clip from the show where they reference The Wire. It's very confusing because no kid is going to know what show thats from.

Nickelodeon in the 90's was sooo good!
Just look at these shows.

Nickelodeon in the 90's was sooo good!
Just look at these shows.

The Lost in Translation moment at the end was brilliant.

this but no Office?

where is The Office review?

Congrats to MM
but enough already. Let someone else win!

You have got to be kidding!
Best produced album I've heard in a long time.

Has it ever been discussed?
That the origin of Don Draper is exactly the same as Principal Skinner from The Simpsons.

Such a shame
Shyamalan started out with alot of potential. I still stand behind Unbreakable and Signs.

So good I had to say it again!

Best Hip Hop of the year
Doin' It Again is the shit.

Best Hip Hop of the year
Doin' It Again is the shit.