I Call The Big One Bitey


The Funeral is a great song.
Band of Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's.

Across The Sea
I'm going to listen to Pinkerton now.

I have a bad feeling
that Lost will have one of the most disappointing conclusions in TV history. I still don't think the writers knew how they were going to end it. Compare this to Breaking Bad were you know the writers are heading towards a logical conclusion and every character plays an important role. There are

I'm suprised
there hasn't been a backlash towards The National like there was for Vampire Weekend and The Strokes. You know because of the whole white upper middle class thing.

The two singles I've heard on the radio I like
but this guy B.O.B. seems to be overshadowed by the featured artists.

Haven't listened to it yet but…
I don't see how they can top Lovely Allen.

The band never fails to amaze me
This is up there with Boxer and Alligator for me.

Can you make clickable links on here?

I See You

I See You
Click Me

For a minute there
I thought Walt was going to kill the remaining Cousin.

This show has become
the best of the four on Thursday night.

I liked the idea of Twin Peaks
more than I actually liked the show.