Orbit DVD

Great article. I own a video store and my credo has always been "adapt or die." Because of that, we are having the best years ever, but the rental part is only 50% of my business now. I also deal in video games, comics, t-shirts, etc., and these have picked up the slack as rentals wind down.


I was flipping through channels one day in the 80s (15 maybe?) and came across them reviewing PARIS, TEXAS.  I was already a horror fan, so I really never paid artier films like this any attention.  I also didn't know anything about Sneak Previews, but both of them and Ebert especially gave such a compelling argument

The original band got back together Monday for a few songs for its 40th anniversary concert.
Vengeance (The Pact) is also another great song not used on the soundtrack.

The original band got back together Monday for a few songs for its 40th anniversary concert.
Vengeance (The Pact) is also another great song not used on the soundtrack.

If you didn't know how to say "bitch" in Spanish then you must have avoided restaurant jobs over the past 15 years.

I miss the days when they used to hand out Chick Comics before metal shows.

Did you co-worker know that tattoos are a ticket to hell?

Great article, but of course, I own a couple of video stores.

Dear Netflix, you now know what us video stores have known for almost 40 years…

I'm pretty sure the dvd is out of print.  Amazon shows some listed, but there's a huge wait.  If this is true, Warner Brothers will probably lose millions.

We had them all, and now the hipsters will catch onto them.  Thanks.

We call them Netsack.

Sorry, but Starz is leaving them in March taking with them Sony, Disney and the titties of Spartacus.

Looks like I'm going to outlast them!

I knew that my plan to topple Netflix would work!

I was really hoping that Netflix was start doing stupid shit AFTER all the Blockbusters shut down.

Deathstalker was an early disappointment for me as a teenager in the 80s.  That cover is SO awesome, the movie, not quite as much.

Few more dvds of note.

I think the real revolt for packaged media will come when the game publishers start going download only. A 13 year old kid will pay $40 - $60 still for a piece of shit, but won't be able to sell it back to Gamestop for $20.