Orbit DVD

A video store's take
For years I have tried to promote our store as an alternative to Netflix. Only recently I have realized that I was wrong… we work better as a compliment. People disappear for awhile and then come back in after a few months. More often than not they have signed up for the streaming service,

I now believe in God.

We didn't even get the fucking huge clock in Chaos. It was pitch black. We tried getting our money back and they refused. I'm glad they shut that piece of shit park down.

My memories
Those walking banjos always scared the shit out of me in the 70s.

Man this interview is awesome
But I hope there's a Part 2.

Try living around where they're filming it.

please please please
Now that the hipsters are onto how great Chris Elliott is, can we PLEASE have all the Get A Life episodes released?


More customers for me….

In the future those of us lucky ones will be able to say that we saw DRIVE ANGRY in the theaters while most of the young punks missed out while waiting for someone to blog about it.

I'm still convinced that music snob employees killed Tower Records. They used to openly mock me buying Uriah Heep cds.

The 28 day window has hurt Redbox in the 4th quarter, and Warner Brothers said that this is working well for them and has hinted at extending the windows even more. Disney has raised their wholesale prices as well.

Good article
I own two video stores, and a year or two I didn't think we would make it past this decade. Though recently, I now believe I can stay open for as long as I can stand it.

We liked it better
Yes it's long as hell, but I think it's the best Indian film I've ever seen.

$2 a rental at Orbit DVD.

Thanks Archmage. We are actually doing fine… and if the Blockbusters go Chapter 7 this (they might), then I'm sure we'll pick up some of their business. I hope the AV staff shops at Odd Obsession!

As a video store owner, it's comforting to see people having some frustration with Netflix. Yes, it's a great service and for many people it is the only way to see rarer films, but the public at large needs to wake up to the fact that they don't have EVERYTHING. In the future when studios start fighting with them

Disney said something similar
Bob Iger mentioned doing away with the theatrical windows and was immediately smacked down by the head of the theater association (or something like that). They threatened to ban all Disney films if that

Is everything MACHETE wanted to be.

Crooked Fingers this Friday
Here in Asheville at the Grey Eagle. I do believe that all members of AoL have moved back into the area, including Bachmann. Perhaps a reunion show there as well?