
Edith, unfortunately, really needs to cut off that nose and get herself a Myrna Loy.

Me, too. Such a tragic face.

I guess I'm confused. Aren't the Drews merely tenant farmers on land that belongs to the crawleys? If they dared to defy Edith, wouldn't she see to it that Daddy booted them from their house?

Ok, but a fire out in the back 40. Leave that house and whatever dog is in it alone, please.

It definitely aired on my PBS broadcast! I have a friend who lives 100 miles away with a different cable provider and we're always seeing different versions of the same show. Go figure. I certainly can't!

I know - completely unbelievable. Only thing i could figure is Fellowes is trying to hammer the point home that at that time and living under those stairs, a lady's maid's loyalty would be to her mistress and not to her husband. This lady's maid, at least. Nuts for sure.

Or nick and Nora Charles could move in.

Weirdly, I've never seen Dockery in anything else so have no frame of reference other than Maleficent Mary. But more important to me is the knowledge that we can't use the c-word on this site. Wasn't aware there were any rules here at all. Good to know!

Oh, without a doubt. I think next week will be the last of Isis. *sniffle*

Yes, but I'm betting they'll end up in bed together, too. And married, of course!!! They'd cuddle very well together; he'd initially be gruff and standoffish and she'd smile and bide her time and before long he'll be ravishing her. He's smitten, and they deserve it.

I thought there'd been 2 dogs by now. First Pharoah and now poor Isis. Hopefully their next one will be Fido or Rover or Bubba.

And you've responded to each of mine as well. And I've got it, guy or girl, you really DO like Mary. What's the problem?

How About Resting-Bitch-Face?

As long as the hound is a bitch…

Just watched Elizabeth McGovern last night in Once Upon a Time in America, and god, has she changed!! Of course still gorgeous and quite the charmer but just so very different!!! At 30 her face was SO perfectly round and full, yet her form quite svelte and even thin (as it is now). It almost looks as though

I'd have paid whoever collects these monies QUITE a bit of it for one shot of Mary taking a tumble from that horse and landing on her jazz-age bob and her bitchy bottom. Just the look of disbelief on her mug would have been worth the price of admission.

Yes, that one is looking verrrrry dull. Hell, I don't want to look at violet in some dank, crumbling garret with a coal-burning stove! He needs to come to HER so we can gawk at all those carpets and silk draperies and bibelots and gewgaws that I really want.

Roger that.

Matthew's miraculous ability to just sort of stand up and walk one day!!! (And presumably father children) was way up there for me on the hilarious contrivance scale.

I'll definitely go along with her having been a major dick but truly can't think of even a single snappy one-liner. Or anything snappy, for that matter, with the exception of the new 'do. Gregson's sitting in a tree for the past year? Guess that was kinda snappy.