
Yes, I especially loved the crack about Gregson's "climbing in a tree for the past year"…in that horribly affected drawl that just gets worse and worse every week. That actress (Michelle something?) really needs to rein it in.

You make it sound as though this were an admirable trait.

Mary is FUN???? Egad, if I had to come up with one adjective that i could never apply to her it would be that one. I think she's an insufferable bitch who will be even more tiresome and boring at 45. My god, mary without 48 men simpering after her (for god knows what reason!!). She'll probably shoot someone on

Yes, except for the fact that mary got herself a bob and everyone's all agog. Spare me.

That was horrible, yes, but it was very clear even back then thst mary had taunted Edith mercilessly since childhood. For incredibly cruel things that Edith could do nothing about (her looks, her utter absence of charm, her innate ability to drive people from a room simply because she entered it)—-and even given

Always has been!!! God, she is simply the worst. I hate her so much that I now find the actress incredibly unappealing.

I think Mary's real problem is that she's a stone-cold bitch who isn't 1/10th the siren she believes herself to be. Have NEVER understood how she has the entire male population of England at her feet, with that dreadful moue and that aristo accent that just gets worse and worse with every episode. She's starting to

I don't know the actual manner of his SPOILER SPOILER

And the best cashmere coats!!

She was the absolute BEST but unfortunately she's dead.

So agree. Love it almost as much as I do Redemption and it's literally the only show on right now that I get excited about. So was stunned to learn last night that this is it - it's over!!!! Probably old news here but man, I took it hard. Shit. As to US viewership, apparently the episode that aired on jan 29

I think she might have a heart in there somewhere that her parents have stomped into a lump of coal.

Good plan!!

Haha!!! TWO pairs of gloves, then. And a gas mask.

They've both got pretty OK peepers.

Well, I actually looked it up and she did in fact say "suck A dick" as well as "suck MY dick". According to about 9 different sources. So there. I must have missed the Boo-Boo line but I'll take your word for it.

I'm not sure Padma would ruffle anyone's hair without surgical gloves on. Well, maybe that hockey player. (Football?). The big athlete she was mooning over.

One million percent agree. Bring out the knife drawing, ya ninnies.


Especially when it's filled with a quail egg yolk. Or is that too 90s?