
Yes, but Dougie had a Mexican sous-chef, which is something…but he also should have been more aggressive during the free-for-all ingredient choosing piece. He just stood there while Greg and Mei jumped right in and then complained about what he'd gotten. That said, the ingredient assignment was unfair; why not a

That was brilliant. For some reason I'd thought katsuji's 2nd response was "we're both filthy human beings", which I found positively hilarious.

That may not be their chief goal but it certainly couldn't hurt if their winner DOES become a star. They do love to crow about Voltaggio every chance they get…as well they should. He contributes a bit more to the show's pedigree than Hosea does. Eh?

Had NO idea!!! The voters must have really liked that whole "go suck a dick" thing. Nicholas I could have cheerfully pushed out a window.

That one lonely little tear just about broke my heart. Am so lucky to have had parents who thought everything I did was wonderful and miraculous.

Not sure I agree 100%, as there have been just too many "not for prime time" winners of this franchise (that asshole from last season - maybe Nick was his name?)…but to your point I'm convinced that if Lisa Fernandes had had the cooking chops of Thomas Keller they'd not have given her the win. OY she was just so

You wouldn't trust Hercule Poirot?


I think you're wonderful.

Well, I'm not, and you're an asshole. Got a link to Michael vick's dogs swinging from a rope that you can share?

Are you fucking kidding me? Jesus Christ, even a year later I'm so blown away by your having posted this link. And 78 likes!!!! I hate you all.

Frusen Gladje Honey Vanilla was the best ice cream ever on the planet since time began. It made Ben & Jerry's Vanilla taste like the crap inside a gas-station ice cream sandwich.

Haha I thought you were talking about the water. I'm really with it.

That's Lady Edith playing her maid! And she's pretty frowny, too.


*shiver*. I'm throwing away my hydrofluoric acid right this minute.

OY. I vaguely remember the roller derby but not the "smacks me" moniker. Fortunately. Yikes.

Yes!! Free, from AVC.

Or maybe she could vote for herself! Since she wondered if maybe Alec had…

Maybe you should apply!!