
I think a lot of people come to AVC for the often very colorful and humorous writing to be found here. I think Libby writes plenty about the food and the techniques and all sorts of gastronomical minutiae…but I appreciate most of her other efforts as well. If I didn't, I'd go to Gourmet Mag for my tv food recaps.

Eeeek do I hate that woman!

And don't forget his hair. Which, oddly, just gets worse and worse in inverse proportion to how wildly successful he's become. I do have to say i felt very sorry for him, though, when we met his wife whatever season that was, and then of course she was darting in and out of every shot of his reality show thing with

Wow. Sounds like a good thing to use on someone you'd like to murder. Though I guess "natural and pure" doesn't necessarily mean "undetectable".

Right. Because he just ignored the "Blais stuff". Too bad Adam let himself get so psyched about those dumbass ingredients. And then try a "modern", unconventional cooking method that failed spectacularly in an attempt to…I'm not sure. Be sort of Blais-y?

At least her hair wasn't in two braids with gingham bows…

Yeah, Adam did say something like "culinary institute of America 1996 menu"…disappointing as I really liked him. I thought his little exit speech was pretty eloquent, actually. He'll be back, I hope…and I'd bet he might just have a future in food tv somehow. Jesus, if they can give some of these other non-winners a

Yes, I do get a kick out of padma's occasion-appropriate outfits. Those were apparently her clam-digging overalls (though technically they should have been shorter, or at least rolled up). And yes, Richard did look like a chowderhead.


Yeah, but they were in SUCH a hurry scrambling for things, and I just don't see how Mei could have taken the time to…what. Scoop out half of the clams and stuff them into her pants? She'd have had to run and find a container to take "her" share, by which time they'd all be gone. She did seem perfectly happy to


Yes and he was just weird. I thought he was going to burst into tears.

Very surprised Padma hasn't appropriated that one. Except from her it'd be "it'sh like sshhexh in yer…mouth". BLINK

They certainly were straight-legged!! And…extremely tight. Or as my mom would say, "do you really want to go out in those? They look like they were PAINTED on you!"

And speaking of the jackfruits, am I seriously the ONLY person who thought the shot of Padma holding the two huge things RIGHT in front of her boobs was a little ridiculous?? God I must be a pervert or something. Except for the fact that bravo used that clip for an entire week to promote the show, so…

I think you think he looks familiar because he's frank whaley's doppelgänger !

What I couldn't believe about Mei was how calmly she handled the theft of ALL of her frigging clams!! I was in utter shock; can you just imagine how - jeez, ANY of the previous frontrunners would have behaved? Either of the voltaggios, or Tiffani or dale or Jen C…heads would have rolled. Could not figure out why

Aw, c'mon. Don't see how "black" enters into Libby's comments at all. And I have to agree; many of these contestants, definitely including Gregory IMO, aren't necessarily boring but you might agree that they're not exactly compelling personalities. Whether on tv or at a party, Gregory is not someone I'd seek out if

George is SO drama-free, but I still have a bad taste in my mouth for the increasingly bloated whatsisname his boss, so I'm not playing fair. Plus George reminds me so much of Frank Whaley that I can't stop thinking about Swimming With Sharks whenever I see him. None of which has anything to do with food.

One of the funniest things I've ever read was that "OJ LEGAL PAD" thing. It was a hugely popular Xmas gift that year and I must have read that thing from cover to cover 28 times. I cherished it. And then it was stolen by the moving guys. Only thing they took!! Now you can find it on eBay occasionally for a