
Are we just assuming Drea de Matteo is still solvent?

I would watch Lois Smith do ANYTHING; she's never less than spectacular and really loved her in Five Easy Pieces. But last night - Jesus, too brutal - and I wish there were an Emmy category for Best Single Performance or something.

That's the spelling for the cat, but I don't think that's the word Philip had in mind.

Completely agree and thought it was very moving. I went to a turtle-watching in West Palm Beach and they were positively rabid about NO LIGHT, including phones and cameras, as it can distract them and even lead them far astray—-as into street traffic (nice!!). I also recalled that the survival odds were much lower

Ha! That's exactly what it is!!

I dunno…I'm thinking Elizabeth is an Emeraude girl. Certainly not Wind Song. No, she's Ambush!! Ha.

That is exactly what I thought!! His slowly moving in for the embrace, her eyes huge and filled with pints of tears…I thought for certain she was a goner and also that she knew she was. Was just hoping we wouldn't get the sound effects of the neck snap. Fooled me!!

Yes. Right.

I did too and couldn't stand it. Either smother her with a pillow or snap her neck during that embrace. GOD.

Yes, and the sounds coming from the dying guy were nice, too. Halfway through it i realized that my mouth really was hanging open and I was saying "No. Fucking. Way." and wasn't sure whose voice I was hearing. Even AFTER having seen it on The Shield. Can't really remember, though…maybe that depiction was less

Didn't they do the necklacing thing on The Shield? I'd never even heard of it prior to seeing it on that show and so wish I'd not seen it again since I'd somehow managed to forget it. Until I saw the tire.

Oh, Jesus, I was so nervous that Philip was going to kill her as he moved in slowly to embrace her. It would ruin him but it's going to have to be done eventually…I thought, "my god he's going to snap her neck, and she knows he's going to, and she's not going to fight it".

Only thing that came to mind was somehow working out a substitution sacrifice of Mischa for Paige? No idea how it'd work since Mischa doesn't have the requisite American-ness that they need…but they'd still "get" one of the Jennings children and would be less painful for Philip since he's never met his son? I

I'm from Mars. TO ME, the cheese was burnt. TO ME. I prefer my cheese much less brown than you apparently do; NO BIG DEAL. Jesus, it's pizza. Find something to do.

Really!! I'm freckled, too, and for some reason was not jeered. I LOVE freckles but can't imagine they'd look even remotely natural via tattoo. I'm guessing they look more like Howdy Doody. Never a good look. What's weirder to me is the tattooed blush….I mean…can you imagine the teensiness of the needle required?

Wait, you're talking about the girl who said "What are you gonna fucking do? Get fucking God to fucking come over here and start a fucking fire with his fucking beard?" THAT girl??? Eeek I think she is a total monster. She sounds like Dexter Deb but is a nasty shrew to boot with no redeeming qualities that I can

I loved it and am proud to say I got it immediately.

Yeah, I'm really liking Kelly for the long haul. And, oddly enough, the barrel girl. The tall one on BC who shoots a mean hoop. No idea what her name is, but I'm betting she gets to jury, at least.

omygodomygodomygod. Not for the briefest instant did I get the impression that Shirin was sexually excited by watching that monkey guy mount the monkey girl. I got the feeling that she's just a curious gal stuck out in the wilds of the jungle with a bunch of humorless, boring wet blankets, and she'd have been game

Do you think your neighbors thought the deafening grunting sounds were coming from your honeymoon room?