
I didn't get that Shirin was "forcing him to see"…she was just standing there with no bottoms on. Since she appears to be about 5 feet tall and he's significantly taller, I don't see what the huge deal was. And if he HAD seen it, so what??? Or…if her nudity was actually so incredibly traumatic to him, guess he

Yes, someone (Joaquin? naw…somebody, though) mentioned how "difficult" Shirin's nudity was for Tyler because he's married. I mean…WHAT???? And he was so actively averting his eyes and turning his head, I guess he thought he might get in trouble with the wife when she saw the footage of him LOOKING AT Shirin's

Really. Jesus Christ, what ELSE is there to out there? Assuming your woodpile is high, your fire is healthy, your water is plentiful and you don't know how to fish…what the eff is wrong with watching monkey sex? I'd be offering them cigarettes afterwards.

And he still sounds like Super Dave.

Well, with this generation I think I get the face tattoos (that they can't really see)…since when they're not looking at themselves in the mirror, they're taking a selfie. Voila. There it is!!

Just heard a blurb on NPR the other day about this current trend I knew nothing about (shocker) involving 20-something girls having their entire faces tattooed WITH FRECKLES. And the more extreme of them add big red globs of blush to the apples of their cheeks!! Tattoo blush!! Cannot stop thinking what these faces


Yeah, that's what we called it, too. You must be from Indiana.

God borrowed it so he could use it to start the fire over at Blue Collar.

I would most definitely watch all the sex I could find and somehow howler monkey sex seems as though it would be very interesting. Unless it got too violent, which it can. (If given the opportunity, do not ever watch swan sex. It is brutal and you'll burst into tears.)

Wrapped in an enigma, inside a conundrum!

But can you understand what he says? I can't; he's such a quiet little marble-mouthed mumbler. Maybe if I could hear what he said (when he does talk, which is infrequent), I'd find him entertaining. Next week I'll turn up the volume.

Yep. "Most annoyingest" from Joaquin and "Cool, calm and collective" from Rodney. Yay, Early American Education! I wish Joaquin could have been on No Collar just for Tribal so we could have seen him write "NEANUGH". And then he'd have drawn an ear with a big X over it.

Even if the link is posted by Sean O'Neal????

Yes…and in terms of the gross-out factor, does he really have to call her Kimmy?? Which is not to say his impending seduction of a 15-year-old girl would be any more palatable if he were to call her Kimberly, or Kim, but still. Every time he calls her "Kimmy" I die a little inside. "Kimmy had some math homework she

Well, yeah, except this is not Law and Order. I thought the pot-smoking scene could have been much better (and much more enjoyable), given the consummate skill of the two actors and the terrific attention to detail that The Americans typically provides, in spades. The inhaling followed immediately by the explosive

That giggle was the first thing from Rhys that I've not liked, since the series began. Clearly he's stellar, but I didn't believe the pot-smoking from either him OR Elizabeth. I get that the actors don't want to inhale much of whatever it is they're smoking (clove?) but god, couldn't they have done even a little of

Jeez, this felt pretty spoilery to me.

What what what what WHAT???????

ITA. She won our hearts with her canny handling of creepy Vince, but then she lost me with her callous dismissal of the old deaf lady. Now that Vince is gone I'm not quite sure what she'll have left to offer, in terms of entertainment value. (Other than the boobs, of course.)