
So agree about Samuel and unfortunately it looks as though it's his to lose. He's a nice kid but jeez his parents have turned him into something I can't quite put my finger on. I don't envy him his first year at college, poor thing. I really loved josh and oona; Disney should be eyeing oona for something or other.

OY I didn't think it was possible to despise a show as much as I do cutthroat kitchen, though it was amusing watching Alton brown try to be a badass, which he does not wear well, at all. But not to despair!! In January we have the new thing with Colicchio vs Ramsay…something about battling restaurants? Whee.

Oops I forgot that we were supposed to post SPOILER ALERTS for preview clips, so i apologize for my comment above. Anyway, here's another possible SPOILER! And they bring either one or two back, right? Something weird with the sudden death quickfire and also LCK? Or is the LCK winner brought in at the very very

He may have felt hobbled by the presence of both KerriAnn and Katie, though. I think I knew they were doomed the instant they chose Katie as exec (but did not think KerriAnn would flame out that spectacularly). Gregory made a wise move.

Definitely the latter. Seems to me his goose debacle has brought him down several pegs and he just wants to get to the end. I DID think he'd help out and step up more, though. He likely could have saved kerriann's dessert blindfolded but just didn't seem to be interested.

Well, they're bringing back somebody! Or is it two somebodies? Something about next week is a sudden death quickfire, then all the eliminated folks pop onto the scene and everyone gasps, and THEN Padma makes the LCK announcement. And they all gasp again. They couldn't possibly be bringing back TWO!!! Could they?

Absolutely. The fact that KerriAnn chose heels that were way too high but also had an ankle strap(!!!!) was idiotic. At the very least, women need to be able to kick those things off every 3-4 minutes and stretch toes and massage things and she was just stuck in those fashionable Mary Janes. I was experiencing

Meh katsuji's really starting to get on my very last nerve. He's just trying too hard with his nasty little witticisms and too many of them aren't landing. He used to be funnier, at least…but I agree with the crowd that it's pretty impossible to root for anyone. At ALL. I will say that Mei has the most gorgeous

I loved how, during their 3-minute planning session, KerriAnn said, "well, my dish has ginger in it and so does katsuji's, so that makes for some cohesion!" And Katie nodded her head. I heard the death knell. But come to think of it, where was the ginger in that hilarious crepe?

And he can REALLY point his toes!!

What about boobs?

Oh, no. Please don't even think that.

I think he actually ate the 2nd half of Jeff's snickers bar. Ewww.

That fight looks so weird and to me just a tad bit staged. Jaclyn's jumping back and yelling, "Don't touch me!" like joan Crawford, for Pete's sake…and then Jon making vague threatening noises as if we're supposed to believe he might actually - god. Vote for her? Break up with her? I'm not buying.

I believe I can.

Yes, and I liked the way he kept slapping Josh's leg in his excitement. Hope he didn't leave any bruises.

Yeah, and Jesus enough with the spitting already. He's starting to look like a camel.

I'm with you. The sooner Jon goes the better, on so many levels (Jesus, break up the couple already, ya dolts!). That said, Natalie's impressing the living hell out of me and she's the only one left I can root for. SUCH a different woman from the one I saw on TAR! Though I agree that she was likely the lesser of the

Agreed—-though I'm thinking "Jon's trust" is worth about zip, and will last just about zip. He'll have completely forgotten her advice by the time he wakes up and instead will just congratulate himself for having made such a brilliant, last-minute self-save.

Wine coolers!!! Lol