
Yes and did you notice that Baylor had TWO drinks in one hand? Guess there was nobody on that boat to card her. Since I'm sure the drinking age in Nicaragua is…what.

I simply cannot understand why Eliza Coupe is not a HUUUUUUUUUGE star. I mean…why is she on a show on USA that follows some horrible reality TV thing about some horrible maybe-rich people?? I'm a pretty tough audience and I just don't think that there's much that Eliza Coupe cannot do - pretty much better than most

Oh, no…I really really REALLY do not like Jon.

Yes, but when he DOES smile, it's so dazzling!

What am I not getting about the spitting? He doesn't appear to have a big plug of terbacky in his craw, and his spittle is not brown, sooo…why does he spit all the time? Is it possible that this is not really all that uncommon? Come to think of it, I just flashed on those "no spitting" signs in NYC subways…

Definitely. I have a little brother who somehow thinks he's my big brother and if Alec had ordered ME to dump that fish trash out, I'd have dumped it right onto his stupid head.

God, what a weird time to even have a last straw!! She looks out the window and sees what she sees, and then she looks down at her little children, and then she sees that Cudlitz has killed someone with a soup can, and she says, "See ya."?? IMO in this new world most of the rules go right out the window. Those

So wish Monty Python had had a School of Silly Runs.

There's just too much stuff there!!!

Yeah, I'm assuming it'll be beth/noah as well. But god…beth and anybody!! Saw her on an old episode of Law and Order last week (NO idea who she played or what she did or what she said…pretty sure she was a victim of something or other but since she's as compelling as a chair it's difficult to remember) and she was

That's what I said. I also suggested maybe just forget Daryl and let's have a carol/beth thing. A bunch of people told me I was an asshole. And a hater.

I don't need it, but I WANT it. Probably because I WANT Michael Cudlitz.

Jesus, I didn't even know what IGN was until I googled it (yes, I'm of a different generation). But the same thing is happening at EW; those people thought last week's "bethisode" was pretty much the best episode of the entire SERIES; the consensus is that last night sucked a big one, and every other word is

And where would you say it belongs in relation to The Killing? NO idea why I want to know this. And OK, Fuck you, The Killing.

My God, I hope you sued.

You're right - they did a VERY poor job of explaining why she wrote that note. But they were also giving us the flashbacks in dribs and drabs, so hopefully at some point they'll clear it up for us (or me). This is one backstory that does intrigue me.

Agreed. I just can't think of any other reason - at all- for his wife to take their 2 kids and strike out on their own into the heart of this nightmare terrain…she couldn't possibly have thought she could keep herself and her two children safe without those fists of cudlitz's. Sooo…she left him because she couldn't

I have to give it an A based solely on cudlitz's performance. And GOD is it obnoxious trying to do anything on disqus via iPhone. Grrrr!

You're not alone, it was way too obnoxiously dark. Particularly the Eugene/Tara bookstore convo after she catches his peeping tom bit. God, that was a LONG dark scene.

Jesus Christ.