
Really!! Especially when they turned him over and we got to see his eyes rolled back into his brain, and then somebody felt for a pulse!! Side-splitting stuff!

Then why is beth still with us? To my chagrin?

Maybe Eugene has asperger's.

I thought it was just a very simple little piece of commentary on how very different life has become. "We're fucking and he's watching us again. Giggle giggle giggle." I mean, in the scheme of things, at least Abraham is "getting some ass" (THAT was a weird line, given the context of his heart-to-heart with

I thought it was que sera, sera as well! Just being hummed by someone who's tone-deaf.

Stinky scarecrows.

I guess I agree to a point (hell, I think the beth episode could have been told in 6 minutes)…but I could and would watch Michael Cudlitz do what he did tonight for 3 hours. And then I'd rewind and watch it again. Sort of beside the point in terms of advancing he story line but, hey. I like the boy.

I LURVED this episode. It was the beth episode that I couldn't stomach. And as far as I'm concerned SO much of it is the acting chops. Trying to imagine Emily Kinney in a pivotal scene with Michael Cudlitz and am actually feeling sorry for Kinney/. She is just abysmal IMO, and I'm very confused by all the beth love

I somehow got the impression that there was a history of physical abuse with Abraham and Ellen…she and the kids were looking at HIM in sheer terror…and he had this weird sort of apologetic affect going as he explained that he'd dispatched all the bad guys…and then there was her note to him: "don't try to find us."

That really sucks.

Well, I mean…does anybody have a calendar out there? I know that a lot of the players are obsessively aware of what number day it is, but I can definitely see that Keith wouldn't make the connection between "this is day number 18—-which means it's July 20th!! My son's birthday!" I guess I just really like Keith and

It did occur to me that john rocker might be the type of guy to give his girlfriend a BIG ration of shit for quitting so very pathetically, but if she was concerned about that she hid it well.

I'm way too lazy to go to cbs to read bios, but what is the deal with josh and reed's backgrounds? His comment to Jon and Jaclyn about the fact that he and reed were "successful broadway stars" (or something like that) was jarring somehow. I'd had NO idea they were broadway "stars".

Didn't boston rob do something like that as well? He said the name he'd come up with was something related to island lore when really it was the name of amber's teddy-bear??

So she bitch-faced and she cut him off, and Jon STILL took the bait. I cannot figure these two out. Jaclyn is clearly the brains of the operation but Jon most definitely calls the shots…I think they think it's 1957.

24 season 8

I don't see it, either—-at all. He's certainly awkward around women (well, around everyone)…and given his background knocking around the rural Georgia countryside doing whatever drugs they could find, I'm seeing him waking up next to complete strangers (girls) with regularity, and shuffling out the door with no

I'm extremely bored with Glenn and Maggie but do NOT want michonne to go anywhere. She fascinates me, even in her quietness…but for god's sake, give her some lines!! Sorry, I'll take michonne over Sasha any day ( though of course Sasha was wonderful this go-round).

A "veneer of civility in his encounters with others"??? Eeek. I didn't find his musings about his preferring to eat pretty people particularly civil. I agree with handlen that of course he's lost his footing but is also reveling in his sadism. He couldn't possibly have been more pleased with himself as bob lay

I have always wondered this and it pisses me off. I lived in Atlanta for 8 years and we certainly had seasons…particularly in the northern woodsy suburbs there was actually snow and very regular temp drops below freezing. Don't care if they're saying this is SOUTH Georgia, it still gets way too cold to be wandering