
Do you know what their favorite snack is? You open a bag of off-brand potato chips, then pour in a half cup of salt and 1 cup of catsup. Close bag. Shake hard. Eat entire thing in 7 minutes.

Well, she sure didn't rent a McMansion with it…or a Lamborghini…so in that one sense she's more to be admired than any of these housewives yahoos. Supposedly the only thing they bought was a huge glamorous truck for sugar man or whatever his name was…the one who's now gone. He warn't no dummy.

How depressing that there aren't enough commenter grades for AVC to come up with a community grade. I mean…why wouldn't 3 be enough???

Ok, it was bugging me so looked it up; it was Texas and Sarah (with an h) was the runner-up!!!! How could I have forgotten that? Her partner in nastiness was heather, and their victim was Beverly - and you're right. All 3 from Chicago. I don't recall Beverly being nasty or unpleasant; just seemed as though she was

Don't know why FUCK PAUL REVERE made me laugh pretty hard, but thanks for that. And while we're on the subject, I'm really REALLY liking Adam. It's early yet but so far he's just yummy.

Yes, he does look rather like a feral opossum with a bad sunburn.

I can never decide whether he hates undercooked protein so much that it renders him apoplectic, or if it's the underseasoning thing that riles him more. Specifically the salt issue. It's a close call with this guy.

Not to mention that leaving it on the bone definitely provides some robust flavor.

Was I projecting or having a flashback or did Padma seem even more stoned than usual at the dinner table? Jeez, her speech was sooooo slurred and drawl-y and she seemed to be seriously struggling to keep some semblance of brightness on her face. Or maybe it's just the wine; her affect is always markedly different

Oh, I absolutely adore peas, and just the thought of a big bowl of split-pea soup from the Carnegie Deli in NYC (with those garlicky croutons) makes me swoon. But you're right about the pairing with coconut. Nasty. But then again, I hate coconut.

I can understand her nervousness as well; what I could not understand was her immediate (and mysteriously unquestioned) taking charge of everything, barking orders and demanding that everything presented must be tasted by her. Very VERY weird, and I think I see the Voltaggio influence. I guess the other contestants

I'll mention it! Dag, she was behaving like an insufferably entitled little bitch, and all I could think of was, "Wow, would I NOT want to work in that kitchen when both Voltaggio and Mei are having a bad day". That said, I guess it was cool that she eventually deemed Katsuji's sauce worthy of her. Couldn't believe

Was Sarah the name of that hideous, nasty OGRE from a few seasons ago? And…she might have even hailed from Boston? All I recall of her is that she spent most of her time ganging up on one female chef (with the assistance of another almost-as-nasty woman whose name escapes me), was obese and the 2nd-biggest bitch to

And in Speedway bathrooms.

He's SUCH an incredible asshole that I'm already beginning to suspect the dreaded "Production Intervention", with his having been scouted and hired expressly to fill the reality-show villain role…complete with a script (of some pretty bad lines, to which KerriAnn is not very good at coming up with rapid-fire responses

I think she said "Thank you very much" and in the previews for next week **SPOILER ALERT FOR NON-PREVIEWS WATCHERS** she's reduced to a sobbing, quivering mess. Poor thing.

That was Top Chef.

Wasn't there a preview a few weeks ago of Wes (of all people) completely losing his shit and yelling and crying about something? Maybe he'll be the quitter, though it certainly seems unlikely right now.

Wow, couldn't disagree more. Of "the blondes" I think her face is far and away the prettiest, of course her body's terrific and athletic and toned, and she's smart as hell and pretty damned capable to boot. Which (speaking as a woman) translates to very hot—-particularly in comparison to these other women. Jaclyn I

The only person I can think of who represented MY state was…give you 3 guesses. He ran for governor. Of my state. Mortifying.