
@Uncle Deadly - "Wrong"?? "Correct"?? Says who?? You??!!

No, no, no, no, no!!! I thought it was VERY clear during the debrief that he did not kill her, nor was he even capable of raping her. Jesus, hope I'm not just hoping too much, but don't think I am…

Couldn't possibly agree more, even though I don't have a dick to suck. I'll substitute The Americans for Hannibal and have given up on banging my brother's head against the wall about his conviction that The Bridge is superior to Rectify. Rectify is, far and away and then some, the most impressive and the most

The name was familiar but couldn't place her; googled her and found several pics of her with permed hair in which she looked EXACTLY like Jenna Fischer after she got pretty.

That is for damned sure. Although I'm not sure just how "sophisticated" they truly are…I suppose they're sophisticated for certain neighborhoods in Atlanta and the outlying areas. The worst of this type, with the hair (the stylists REALLY nailed the grooming rituals of these women; I just wish one of them had had

And "sort of" snobby and condescending???!!!! Jeez louise, I wanted to punch each one of those horrible women in their horrible kissers (w/exception of frances, of course). I lived in Atlanta for several years; those women are EVERYWHERE.

Same here. Was also very happy to see that the actor who played Kerwin's brother was the very funny guy on that Robin Hood-y show with Timothy Hutton - or at least I think it was. And I SO wish there were more than 7 comments here!!

Of course it was!! Jeez.

Let's just be glad this wasn't followed by a Golden Retriever's leaping up onto the bed and burrowing under the covers to lick them both clean.

I couldn't tell from the editing, but for god's sake, please tell me that they had book bags for ALL the kids???!!!! It looked a bit like they had maybe 8

I am OBSESSED with kids (LITTLE ones, age 10 probably max) and adore them beyond all reason. But I also have none (and never will) and my child-bearing friends tell me that this is why. I guess I admired his honesty about the kids but I sure did want to bop him one, right in the keester.

I don't know what reddit is.

Yeah! Or "What a bitch, why didn't you save the bitch as well??!!"

Bingo bingo bingo. Given that spencer and kass are from the BRAINS TEAM, they certainly should have known that Woo would need a bit of a nudge in the art of prevarication. They should have written him a VERY brief little script (on something) and then coached him through its memorization. And then Kass should have

Ian quit??? God, what is wrong with my brain? Unless there's another Ian, I'm assuming you must be speaking figuratively - as in he gave up but didn't actually leave the show early? The only Ian I can recall is the tom westerman season Ian.

Well, in private I've compared him to Phillip so I am definitely not a racist.

LOL at "comatose". But damn, the kid is so frigging NICE. Poor thing.

Jeez, that was unbelievable!! He most def gets the RAZZIE Award for this week, followed pretty closely by Tasha's trying to act as though she was concerned about something. Both of those guys need to stay real far away from the poker table.

Or…ummm…Albert Finney(?) and some Brit actress marooned on a desert island…the one in which they were slowly starving to death and were pretty much just functioning skeletons but for some reason I've forgotten they thought they were merely fashionably thin? And that they looked great? Guess I could look it up.

Nothing irony-related but jeez louise, her weight loss is getting kind of scary, too. Completely agree about Probst's assholeish observation of Trish's "can barely move" comment, but she started this thing extremely thin. Kass was more of a normal body gal but now she just appears to be vanishing. She's got the bod