
Not to mention that, as a lawyer with a few years' schooling under her belt, she could have at LEAST used proper grammar. You know. I said condescendingly.

OK, now YOUR comment has me re-thinking my innate queasiness about the underbelly of Victorian London and now must give it a go. Or at least a bit of one.

Was it tough for you to get through because you didn't care for the quality of the production, etc.? Or was it more due to the grimness and the griminess of the settings, etc.? I don't have much of a stomach for many things Dickensian, particularly the emaciated children and dogs literally dying in the streets, and

Josh Hartnett!!!! *swoon* I don't care what anybody says…that long shot of him cruising down that (long) hallway in that (long) high school in The Virgin Suicides was…just, god. Wish I could remember the music that went with it. And it WAS too bad about the wig. But still. My Josh.

Yes, Elizabeth's two job choices were hilarious. A paper route, or taking tickets at the local movie theater.


@WashesYourKids - Yes, do!! But I think you really must start at the beginning; almost pointless to pick it up at this stage.

Wow - had no idea that she was "Russian-Indian". I'll bet Padma Lakshmi hates her guts.

I agree about the technicalities of their respective bodies, but jeez. Elizabeth is the PERFECT example of a woman who does not actually fit the stereotypical image of "what a man wants in bed" - she is astonishingly thin! - but she carries herself with such ease and grace and confidence that her build becomes moot.

I will allow that the initial boobage jiggle shots of Annelise in her restaurant scenes with Phillip were considerably more, um, promising than the actual reveal was. Speaking as a heterosexual woman interested in bras and décolletage.

Yeah!! How do men not get this??

Well, but…that can be lots of fun. Not that I'd really know anything about it, but it certainly seems as though it might be.

Yes, this is another thing I don't really get, primarily because I'm so late to the Survivor game. It does seem really shitty to me to steal a clue or an Idol once someone's already (perhaps) busted his/her ass to find it and grab it. BUT…given what's at stake, it does make sense to steal it.

Granted, I know very little about the history of this game (especially as regards "producer involvement") and it may very well NEVER happen, as it so clearly does on shows like Big Brother - but Spencer's leaving that clue folded inside his pants (I mean…he didn't even shove it into a pocket!!") - was so unbelievably

I get it!! Very clever.

DAMN!! I'm so pissed that I missed Woo's stick figure of Morgan. Did it have two big round mounds at the top of the stick body? Did it have a thought bubble that said, "You're 40 and old and ugly and you always have been so just die, you pathetic fucking hag."

"Just Keep the Tip," said the hooker to the leper john.

That's IT!! thanks for the info; I can stop scratching my head. Unbelievable I'm too lazy to look these things up these days…

Dire. That's the word.

Jeez Louise, I felt SOO old watching this thing last night!! I tuned in only because of my addiction to Louis CK, but my god. Unfortunately missed the monologue (duh) but DID catch the executive with baby body thing (very funny but way too long), and then four women singing backup to Louie in "Mr. Big Shot" and