
I finally figured out who she looks like; it's been bugging me. She reminds me of a higher-rent Diana Dors.

Just what happened here. I saw the headline and thought, "Oh my god, no!! James Remar!!!"

I had him confused with that OTHER great "that guy!" who played Tom Landry in something. But I've forgotten HIS name and the name of the movie as well. God.

I couldn't figure that one out, embarrassed to say. Why did it come down to those two duking it out? Why wasn't it, say…Sarah and Morgan? I think I must have blinked a few times.

If they had kept J'Tia they'd have deserved to be shot at sunrise. Without the blindfold.

Did anybody other than Trish make some sort of comment that he did absolutely nothing around camp? That would be a huge thing for me if I were playing; you'd think, though, that if he really DID never ever go for water or wood, someone else would have mentioned it. Unless he's just too likeable a guy for it to

Wow, it never even occurred to me until reading many of these comments that I really have no business making any kind of conjectures about this game. I've not been watching it long enough to be cognizant of things like "potential winner edit" - which, clearly, is an important thing. I'm sort of surprised that

I'm not sure that Morgan's big edit is based on the same criteria that the other players' big edits are.

I'm afraid you're right but I wish you weren't.

Really!! It's hard to imagine anyone being yanked off of that pole and dragged across the line any more quickly than Alexis was (that was actually kind of nauseating since it made me think of - you know - the wild)—-but J'tia would've managed it.

Mmmm…I dunno. I've spent many years being a woman, with 3 sisters, hanging out with all sorts of women in all sorts of cities and situations and environments and I just don't see a girl who looks like Morgan securing enough votes from the women on the jury.

It's devastating.

Oh my god, I'm on the way UP!!! How thrilling!!!

I most definitely concur. I'm not sure if I qualify yet as an "older" woman (I mean…isn't 40 the new 20 now?)——but LJ is really really reeeeeeeeally attractive. Unfortunately. Because last night he was also sort of an asshole.

Agree it was funny, but to me only because Sarah was laughing as well. Somehow I don't get the same rollicking sense of humor the rest of you guys do from Lindsey. I'm getting a vibe from her that would almost be the dreaded "MEAN GIRL" (gasp!) vibe, if she only cared enough about anything one way or the other to

Right. Or, put another way, Lindsey seems to be a proper effing bitch.

Well, OK. Guess it didn't occur to me that she'd have a thought that was quite that ..logical. I think I thought she meant (after having seen it flopping around) - if you remove a chicken's head can it then just continue on with its life, scratching (but not pecking, I guess) as if nothing has happened? i.e., will

Yes, but that voice…gahhh??

I am SHOCKED to see that we made it to Page Two before any mention of Morgan…and this not about her boobs!!!! And…did I hallucinate it or did Alexis actually say something like…ummm…"Don't chickens need a brain to operate?" (sic)

Me, too! I'm inordinately proud of having an unblemished team! Guess I couldn't say that if I'd chosen Spencer. Sorry. That was mean.