
I'm not sure why, but I'm happy about the fact that we have almost the same team (me: Sarah, you: Woo). And boy, am I unhappy about having chosen Sarah - she was pretty much my Number 1. Anyway, Go, us!!

You're absolutely right—-and I did actually remark that she seemed very noticeably unhappy. Even her remark that nick was "very smart but not a good student" was awkward since she was so frown-y as she said it. Very grumpy and irritable, on national tv!! Sensing a pattern re apples and trees.

Wow. I completely forgot about the jiggle factor!!! Oh, well …

Tom DID hear it - and he commented on it. It just didn't matter.

Yes, but how ludicrous!!! Why go through the charade of having a panel of five judges?? When the only thing you need to do to grab the crown is ensure that just tom's dishes are stellar?? Or chewable!

And then Adagio for Strings.

Baldly!!! Haha that's good.

I remember that, too. Bourdain said each of them had a big tumbler of scotch(?) sitting at his feet. Which image I find really really funny.

Yeah but…they didn't. Pull it off, I mean.

@avclub-db0c35ce2663c0e8c4b3f38642a49748:disqus "I think he probably just prefers males in the kitchen (which is awful)."

And was it the editing, or was the scallop dish that Tom adored actually Jason's dish? I mean, if you really want to get right down to it. For posterity and all that.

I don't get the "pretty strong consensus" bit about Nina's being the worse chef. When Tom the Inquisitor asked "which was the worst dish?", Hugh seemed stumped and then finally squeaked out "the zeppole???" - my take was that he had to say SOMETHING and he wanted Tom off his back, but the "consensus" seemed to be

Wow, I don't think that Nick owned last night AT ALL. Nina's goat was crowed over (to an astonishing extent) by the "famous chef diners" and at least 3 of the judges. Tom thought that Nick's shrimp/scallop noodles were "the best thing he'd eaten all season" (WHAT???), but Morimoto thought the scallops were

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Thanks for this!! Hopefully I'll be able to figure it out.

Do you think Padma'd have allowed Janine to appear on camera in a bikini? She's an exec producer!!

I really honestly do think he's one of the biggest jerks and straight-up big fat dicks I've ever seen in my entire life. In real life and on TV and in books and in movies and on social media and in nightmares. Plus all the other stuff you said.

@edmund_hillary_clinton:disqus - "I am imagining Scott Conant's reaction and how much he is going to bash Top Chef"

I do derive a significant amount of satisfaction from the knowledge that Nick is not going to age well. Hopefully someone will at some point get him to wash his face, though.

That WAS funny. I believe that walk of hers was a saunter.