
That season WAS the worst, to me. Now this one is.

LOL!!! Much as I now hate TC, once and for all, I am REALLY going to miss you guys on this board!!!

@porkcfish - "Fuck Nick. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck Nick and his big bag of bullshit"

I got the feeling that by that time in the proceedings, a few of those judges just wanted to get it done. And they seemed strangely intimidated by Tom, too, which I don't think I've ever noticed. From previous comments, no WAY was the zeppole the "worst dish of the night". It was just not even remotely outstanding,

I think that Padma, Hugh AND Emeril were all strongly for Nina, but as someone's already said (including me) - Tom's is the only vote that counts. You'd think that bravo would at least make an attempt to muffle this stupid fact a bit, since it sure does remove any suspense from future shows…also HATED how Nick was

How weird that the restaurant did not have an ice cream machine - Nina'd have killed it and she'd be Top Chef. And how even weirder that the chefs were not given the opportunity to inspect their kitchens prior to devising their menus and hitting Whole Foods? For this "life-changing" contest!!

I'm with you—-I think I MIGHT have been almost as unhappy about Ilan as I am about Nick (but not really)…Hosea's win was so incredibly weird that it ended up being funny. But my feelings about Nick puzzle me (and I also think he should not have given up immunity; that's idiotic).

I so agree!! And that comment Padma made (slurred): "I wonder if Nick's going to show us food that he's been cooking since we arrived in Hawaii, or if he's going to revert back to what he was doing in New Orleans…" - I MEAN!!! It was shocking that they even left that clip in there! She did use the words "revert

Yes, I couldn't tell if it was Nina or Shirley who said, "It's guys vs. girls!!" - but I did see Shirley immediately clap her hand over her mouth, which I don't think Bravo wanted us to see.

EXACTLY!!! Jeez, that Andy Cohen simply telegraphed the win to one and all…how very dumb!! I'll bet they DID lose viewers who saw that clip. Could not possibly have been plainer that Nick had taken it…and I remember saying, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" to the TV. Did Andy think these guys could act? Did he think that

I'm so UNBELIEVABLY pissed off by it and I'm such a big baby that I'm glad AV Club is dropping TC from its recap list. I want Bravo to know how incredibly dumb certain of their viewers think their decisions are. (That's how big a baby I am.) Jesus, I thought the Hosea season was bad!!!! And JASON!!! My eyes are

For the love of god. Really really really really really really shocked. And this has NOTHING to do with how much I despise him. It has nothing to do with his his screaming "GODDAMMIT" for all the world to hear (consummate professional that he is). It's not complicated, IMO. A guy to whom JACQUES PEPIN says "That


I'm wondering if there was an ACTUAL attempt at White Trash Sous Vide back when huge food corps were offering "boil-in-the-bag" frozen things. Guess this was…mid-80s? And of course the boil in the bag thing is still widely available in frozen veggie world…though I don't know anyone who boils them anymore. They just

Yes, that would appear to be the advantage he'll get. And if I remember correctly, he had a sort of man-crush on Jason (?) - the model/surfer-boy - so I'd think he will be his first choice. Wheeee!!!

My favorite ha-ha moment of the finale was the clip of Padma declaring, VERY fervently, "This is the best food I have ever tasted in ANY episode of Top Chef EVER. Since the beginning of time!! Ever ever EVER!!! And it's also the closest finale cookoff—-unequivocally and without exception and I will brook no

I've been calling Nick Eyesore.
Sorry. Couldn't resist.

LOL, I thought the random and borderline motley crowd was pretty funny as well. Poor Louis!! I think the females were dazzled by him and I was hoping SOMEbody would say "Please don't try to engage the chefs while they're cooking…there's a bit of a prize on the line here." Also thought the weird cheering and

Really? Seems as though Nick didn't do well at all in many of those polls (the ones that said things like "do you think nick will go home?" or "do you think Nick will be in the finale?") - at least last night, he didn't appear to fare well. I can't seem to find the "fan favorite" thing over at bravo website; is Nick

Me, too!! I don't watch much reality TV but do like a good competition (well, OK, I love Survivor) but don't normally become as invested as I did with this field of chefs. SO loved Shirley; SO despised Nick. Didn't like Nina much, either, so…since this particular competition isn't really about watching actual