
Completely disagree about Nick. It's true that all reality shows NEED a villain for ratings; fortunately for them Nick fell right into their lap. Villainy already part of the DNA; I'm betting since 2nd grade. Jeez, what a grumpy pain in the ass!!

So completely agree, particularly about Nick. Don't buy for one second that he's truly a very nice guy - kind, generous, humble and very funny! - as many people seem to think. Sorry, bravo simply can't invent or produce his bellowing at the very tippity top of his lungs (god, i'll never forget the "DO YOU HEAR

I'll bet you didn't throw up in your mouth a little at Padma's observation that Louis's mousse was "very smooth in her mouth" (sic). I think it was smooth. Whatever, it was SOMETHING in her mouth, and she offered up her trademark sexy grin right after saying it. Clever Padma!

Sadly, what I remember most vividly about Richard Blais is the fact that he's married to one unbelievably nasty woman. And that if he doesn't watch himself, he's going to stroke out before he hits 40. The dangers of Reality TV…NO idea where I saw this footage, but it overshadows (at least for me) his clear

I'd like to see this one. Do you remember who the "celebrity guest judge" was? Best way I've found to search for a particular episode, at least for this show. Nyesha's not working, so far.

Yours is the only reference I've found anywhere to Knife Fight!! I stumbled across it on the Esquire Channel and really enjoyed it (though I do wish Ilan weren't the host); it's nice to watch some actual in-depth cooking without any product placement or contrived drama. I thought drew Barrymore was a surprisingly

Julia Child besting Martha Stewart and there's a caramel cage involved? Heading to youtube right NOW.

I never ever vote in any of these things but I'm going to have to break down and head over there for Stephanie. What a true charmer. But jeez, the bravo website gives me such a headache.

Well, so am I!!

Good call; I'd forgotten his fury with Shirley over the oil temp. I also thought he was going to shriek "FOUL!!" when Shirley yanked those tweezers out of her pocket to retrieve Gail's fallen bits of whatever. "NO FAIR!!!" That's what his face said, I think.

So agree. This season really DID have a true, dyed-in-the-wool villain, though…good-looking blond jackass who was…I dunno…a surfer? Or a model? Anyway, he was apparently Nick's mentor or something (I never did understand that relationship) - so yes. Nick was then dubbed the villain. Wasn't too much of a stretch,

And do we know how much (real) time elapses between what we saw last night and their reunion in Hawaii? Again, in previews, Nina and Shirley embraced like sisters separated by a shipwreck.

And if the previews are to be believed…granted, I was folding laundry or something but I'd swear I saw Carlos in a beautiful outdoor setting that sure looked like Hawaii. It was a very quick shot of him standing between two…men, I think. Or…did I miss something altogether? Like…hmmm. I don't know. Unless this LCK

Did I dream it or doesn't Carlos have a Michelin star?? Why was THAT never brought up by anyone?

I am thinking there has simply GOT to be something about Carlos that, for whatever reason, production has decided not to share. I've found him to be perfectly fine…thought his "whatever" reactions to Nick's childishness were appropriate and professional…yet both Nina and Shirley very clearly prefer Nick. I don't get

Apropos of nothing, it also appeared to me that Gail had the presence of mind to adjust her décolletage just a bit between the dining/judging portions of the show. Classy move. Did Padma actually think anyone, from viewers to camera operators to quivering chefs (to Gail), could actually hear anything that was being

The one who knocks.

Whaaaat?? *stamping foot* I am embarrassed to say that I've never been able to wrap my head around the umami concept, try as I might. I've always loved the way you write (so sensible and clear-headed!) so I had high hopes when I started to read.

For me it's hosea. That he was there at ALL.

Oh my god I forgot about Lisa!! How's about a throwdown between Nick and Lisa - followed by a trip to the dentist to have a cavity filled??