
@avclub-f6f154417c4665861583f9b9c4afafa2:disqus Thanks for the suggestion. I just reserved it at my library. I'll pick it up as soon as I get back to campus after break.

I didn't think anyone could top Jon Hamm as the grey flannel suit man of our times. Then I saw Tony Leung in In the Mood for Love.

Only appropriate response to his books. I appreciate that he's revitalized geography as an interesting way to approach the course of human history for the masses, but his work is so overly simplistic that even I, someone who doesn't even study geography or history academically, can see where he's stretching the

You're right, the el Bulli work on spherification is probably the widely known practice.

You're right, the el Bulli work on spherification is probably the widely known practice.

Like everything in the world of Pawnee/Eagleton, it's a cartoonish play on a real world occurrence, in this case molecular gastronomy. It essentially takes our understanding of the biochemistry that is involved in cooking and uses to create items previously not possible using traditional cooking techniques. The most

Like everything in the world of Pawnee/Eagleton, it's a cartoonish play on a real world occurrence, in this case molecular gastronomy. It essentially takes our understanding of the biochemistry that is involved in cooking and uses to create items previously not possible using traditional cooking techniques. The most

@avclub-7f7e803ee2d1481fd805f34086a52c37:disqus Brad didn't take any of Jane's previous relationships seriously regardless of gender. He says as much when he tells Jane that he thought he was the first person she fell in love with.

@avclub-8e35e4199b0c90595814faaf747d9554:disqus Ouch, the Awake and Journeyman call outs sting a little. Two shows with pretty interesting concepts helmed by excellent leading men delivering great performances only to get prematurely cancelled.

@avclub-d6537db628c8624dd41cdf68e445b71b:disqus It's surreal. 
I remember thinking after all the flack that Fox got for canceling Firefly that it wasn't loyal to its shows, but it's proved my wrong time and time again. They gave Fringe a fifth season that few people were expecting, and have surprisingly kept Bob's

I'd gotten acclimated to the line deliveries by the cast, but Weil's appearance really does put into sharp relief how much better this show can be.

I'm not a huge fan of dance either and never really sought out examples of it as an artform, but after Sasha's episode capping performance to They Will Be Giants - Istanbul in the sixth season of the first season I'm a convert.

While the show does take liberties with Zach's technical prowess, I don't think episode was a stretch. Any one reasonably familiar with the Internet can go to a website, notice a link that seems out of place because the admins forgot to scrub it, and click on it. Hardly something that requires much skill.

I don't know enough about football to disagree with you, so we'll just have to chalk it up to FNL overestimating it's central capabilities.

Hey another late catching up person. I wanted to thank you for putting this together. I just finished watching the finale and I'm still recovering from it all.

For a number of fairly diverse reasons too.

That IGN prediction is incredible. I still can't believe you called every single thing.

That IGN prediction is incredible. I still can't believe you called every single thing.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus So a 28 year uninterrupted run. That's pretty impressive. I'm hopeful that something will come up this fall, but it seems unlikely.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus So a 28 year uninterrupted run. That's pretty impressive. I'm hopeful that something will come up this fall, but it seems unlikely.