Hugh Jass

Morals and ethics and carnal forbearance…

This probably doesn't sound so good, but I'd prefer a little more ethnic/age diversity, if only to help tell the teams apart. When you have 3-4 young white couples and 2-3 teams of 2 foxy young women, it takes almost the whole season for any team to stand out.

Civility! I love it!

I'm very glad to read this. I'm watching in Canada where the season is only at the halfway point, but I've been feeling like this season is really strong and I'm missing the recaps.

I don't think it was an accident. For your befuddlement, puzzlement, etc. You know, old people are bemused by most everything.

This was the first full episode I've watched and I was impressed. The characters are really well developed. I knew from reading about the show who the younger guy in college was but would have been a little lost if I hadn't known ahead of time that he's Courteney Cox's son.

Wang ahoy!

Costume sketch was a ripoff…
… of Jenny Slate's awesome Tina Tina Custom Doorbells sketch from last season. I may be the only one mourning that loss but I freakin loved that character.

SENSATIONAL Transylvania
I hope they change ALL the lyrics to be inoffensive to today's youth and parents.

I thought they did an incredible job of playing to everyone's strengths. Jane Krakowski was outstanding and I thought it was smart the way they used the commercials and TGS set up to let the guest actors and Tracy read off cue cards.

Why does every TV character have to have a successful career or even aspire to one? It seems to me Pam has tried a few things (art, sales) found out she couldn't quite hack it and come back to her true calling which is administration. There's nothing shameful about doing that well. Running an office is a valuable

What? They're giving you thousands of hours of entertainment for free. What could they possibly owe you? If anything, you owe them.

Netflix has competition in Canada. There's a similar service called Zip but it is just DVDs in the mail, no streaming.

I like the feature. Most of the stuff in the article was new to me because I don't keep up with every little thing online. It feels like The Soup - saves me from sifting through endless hours of crap just for those few moments of good stuff.

I think it has to do with the ratings of the broadcast as well. The Emmys were pretty watchable during the comedy portion, but once they got into the mini-series section I'll bet a lot of people changed the channel. I know I did.

And so many gay jokes that were a version of You're GAY! No, YOU'RE gay. Even NPH was complicit.

Their names are spelled and pronounced differently.

C.H.O.M.P.S demasque en tant canadiens

People from the Maritimes pronounce a long a - like care for car and bare for bar. It sounds cute but gets annoying. I have a coworker in Newfoundland and I can't understand a word she says.

This hipster has an answering machine. No way I'm paying a monthly fee for voicemail!