Hugh Jass

Ferrell, Wahlberg and Keaton - that's a lotta forehead for one picture.

Purple monkey dishwasher.

Oh, so Pia Zadora and Charo are 2 different people? I just got schooled.

What is it with you and rape?! No one's raping anyone!

I'm Aasif Mandvi, ALWAYS YELLING!
I have to FF this guy's segments on the Daily Show because of his constant yell-delivery. It is terrible. I assume that's not how he acts in movies so why can't he talk like a normal person on TV?

I was hoping this review would reveal the reason they're all wearing t-shirts in the pool. Is it a plot point or just a bunch of vain, middle-aged actors who don't want America to see their beer guts?

The songs in this are so vulgar (mostly Greased Lightning) I can't understand how this is viable family entertainment.

When Susur hollered "Where's the Saran wrap?" I can't believe they left that in for broadcast. It should have been "Where's the Glad Cling Wrap from the Glad family of products?"

I floated up towards heaven but got lost along the way!

No kidding, it would have been perfect before or after Modern Family.

Same as chuck p, Stringer Bell for me.

I agree with Dr.Robuttnik. Why are actors in their late 40s starring in this? Wouldn't it be more compelling and realistic to do an origin story with young leads? I don't think men pushing 50 were the action heroes of this period in history.

If Tim Conway's 120 lbs I'll eat my hat. What is he, 4'10" ?

I don't get the timeline. It would seem all the previous scenes of Jacob & MIB took place after MIB killed their mom and became Smokey, otherwise what do they have to hate each other over? So then wouldn't Smokey have to be MIB?

I don't know… He'd better cash in before that bald spot gets the better of him.

I was sure that dude in the cowboy hat was Justin Long doing a Spanish accent. Guess I was wrong.

I can't help but feel warmly towards any songs about Superman. Just like I can't help hating any songs about Werewolves/Wolfmen. Except Werewolf Bar Mitzvah, if that counts as a song.

Music is none of my business.

I love the relationship between Ron & Leslie. I don't think it is romantic, just mutual respect. I loved it when they high fived after her terminator impresstion and when he saw exactly what the problem was with her relationship and knew it couldn't work. I don't think they are setting up a romance. It is just

Why do you always link to Jaime Weinman. That guy is the worst!