
Eh, from the Allied side- hundreds of boats sank (including a bunch of destroyers), about a hundred planes were shot down, thousands of civilians at Dunkirk died, thousands of British soldiers dead or captured, and the French First Army made a desperate stand at Lille to allow the British to escape and fight another


Albashir Adam Alhassan submitted the poem as his own on Poemhunters.com in 2013, but it been showing up in publications as a motivational thing since 1936.

I have never had a good couch buying experience. I recently realized I might have to spend around $1500-2000 for one that lasts, so I am saving up as my current one is disintegrating underneath me.

In what sense was the bishop one of the precursors to the Knights Templar? Just by virtue of being a christian warrior? the Knights were a monastic order, not clergy, and the order was founded three hundred years later by a French knight in Jerusalem. I don't see a connection other than the most basic "they were

Owlie McCutiepants? That's pretty lazy. Just what are my taxes going to, anyway?

yeah, I had to roll my eyes at that. Making a connection from The Punisher and vigilantism to open carry?

What is that situation? I don't know much about the circumstances, I saw it and liked it. A quick google search said it got decent reception.

he washed out of the Coast Guard, actually. Very vague psychological reasons. That happens when some kid just doesn't react well to military stresses and can't progress. It kind of says something about the Army's situation that they took him in despite that.

As Drinking_with_Skeletons mentioned, according to the judge, Sony is not enforcing that part of the contract in light of the alleged abuse. It factored into her judgement.

Nowadays I'm pretty sure the American Dream can mean anything as long as you say it failed you.

I watched the movie last night. I was interested in it because I am a Coastie. I thought it did a good job, certainly better than The Guardian. It isn't going to stand out in a few years though, just a decent movie.

I just got sucked into r/theworldisflat after someone linked it here- I've found one so far that posits that the Pope and the Jesuits are pushing the globe conspiracy in order to shake the faith of Christians and advance a nihilist, atheist worldview.

I might be younger than you, but for me "negro" is definitely bad to say. "Colored" isn't as bad, but if you call someone colored you are probably just outing yourself as a backwards racist. People of color is becoming dominant in political/advocacy things, and black works for everything else (as long as you don't use

I was about to type the same thing. I remember reading about a connection between his fluctuating weight and diabetes.

I don't think it was ever presented as a slam dunk "Steven Avery is innocent" type of thing anyway. The worst and most shocking things in the documentary were the 1. initial framing and coverup by the County the first time around, and blatant refusal to recognize the exoneration and 2. the string of holy-shit


I really can't wait for Gawker to die. They seem to be at the center of a lot of shitty things.

yes, please limit your answers to confirming Zack's personal views.

I'm surprised to hear that Raspberry Pi isn't well known- every time a faster, more powerful iteration is released tech sites like Engadget or Ars Technica get pretty indepth on it.