
supposedly, orange and blue is the easiest way to get good contrast. Our eyes are sensitive to blue in the low tones- that is why the night sky will sometimes appear blue even though it isn't. Blue tones look very natural to the eye. Orange is used because of the contrast to blue and also to warm up the palette.

Carrie. Outed by Spin a long time ago.

I like that Steely Dan won best album in 2001 over The Marshal Mathers LP, Kid A, or Midnite Vultures.

Beyonce automatically gets songwriting credit for the songs she sings. She'll take a song, change a word, or add some harmonies and take songwriting credit. Basically Murderface. Linda Perry called her out for taking credit for Ne-Yo's "Irreplaceable".

I got into the Malazan series back when I was jonesing for another ASoIaF. The writing isn't as good, but it is still entertaining as hell and you really come to enjoy some characters.

I think we all need to come to terms with the fact that GRRM has no intention of finishing his story. He is way too busy flying to award ceremonies, editing shitty sci fi anthologies, and writing blog posts about football.

the science isn't hard on this one, but there may be many animals with a broad and complex range of emotions, including elephants, orcas, and some great apes.

It is much easier to remember to place the butt of the rifle squarely to your shoulder than to remember how to work the action of the rifle in order to fire it. Speaking as a Navy guy who infrequently (twice in my life) has had to do a course of fire for the M4.
Edit: Not that either one is difficult.

This is super nitpicky and it doesn't really matter for the show, but given her role as a field operative the CIA would have given her some training on how to handle a rifle. It is a basic checklist item that most people going in theater (like the time she spent in Iraq) would have spent a few hours getting qualified.

sounds like a bit from Family Guy. They would do it, and keep doing it for just a little bit too long.

I'm a living god!!

I'm really glad they are doing 1994 warcraft. I thought the wc3 characterizations were a little cheesy, and the things I have heard about WoW have not made me want to play the game (panda people?)

veal, are you from Tumblr, by the way?

You're a loose cannon, Carmen Esposito!

I noticed that Stan and his grandpa at the end were playing Zombicide. Is that a fun game? I love board games.

I loved this episode. But I don't know how you can make it to adulthood without realizing that repeated and unrepentant lateness is a little shitty to your friends or significant other.

There is something to be said against tiresome tropes about homosexuality in entertainment, but it seems like the AV Club reviews have been consistently making mountains out of molehills, or nothing-hills.

OK I was talking about both, but I still think that it shouldn't be considered a sex crime. I believe that there is a difference between a physical violation of person and a violation of privacy, and that it is important to recognize the differences.

Beanchild, as you've already noted, child pornography law is usually a category unto itself. It doesn't matter if the child appears to consent to publication because they can't actually consent, whereas an adult can. So the reason that production of child pornography is illegal is not to protect the privacy of the

lets try and keep this civil. Also, you intentionally left out a major part of the definition I posted (the part that constitutes assault).