Ash Ally

I now live in Florida, which I'm guessing is kind of like living in Dorne. Hot and Southern. But I'm not in Miami, which would be the equivalent of a King's Landing. But I'm originally from Michigan, so maybe that's like the Riverlands… torn apart by war (rust belt), people are always beating them down or going after

Awww, those damn wildlings!!

I made it out "Alive" the first time… thanks to my books smarts, not wanting the throne and living in the middle of nowhere.

I just assumed someone liked her… hence the netflix show. But you know what they say about people when you assume…

Ugh… why do people like her?

The scene with The Children played out exactly as I imagined it would in the books, although I was confused by the skeletons. When I read that part, I had no clue what was really happening (in fact, I thought Jojen was still alive and made it with them under the tree). Were the skeletons The Others?? Or really old

I need to confirm his thoughts on Jorah later tonight, but I would get why he's confused on that. He uses my HBOGo, which doesn't show the "previously on". The girls I was watching the show with, who haven't read the books, I only think they understood because of the previouslies. Everyone was still disappointed

This texting conversation took place last night between my bf and I:
Him: "Oh Shit!"
Me: "I know."
Him: "MIND. BLOWN. N more ways than 1"
Me: "I know."
Him: "I loved that guy!"
Me: "I know."
HIm: "He was the best character… and Jorah, why?"
Me: "I know."
Him: "Damn."

My name is Oberyn Martell. You killed my sister. Prepare to die.

What does Will Smith have to do with this??

When does this show premier??

Everyone dies alone… Unless you're in The Notebook…spoiler?

As someone who is two years from 30, has chosen her career over relationships, and is currently bridesmaidsing up and down the Midwest and South for friends, that scene with Peggy and Don was hard to take. I want to tell Peggy that this isn't a Jane Austen novel, 30 isn't the end of the world and she can totally have


It's been awhile since I've seen John Adams, but I vaguely remember him there.

Has he ever appeared in anything where he WASN'T dead or dying???

This was one of the funniest SNL's I've seen in a long long time.

Scene: The vikings have just been defeated in battle. Bjorn is pissed. Another, slightly older soldier comes up to him, tells him he fought well. Guides him to where a group of other warriors are gathering to tend their wounds. The soldier says, "Did you see, none of the those English heathens could touch Bjorn. Bjorn

Why are we wasting time on Porunn when Bjorn My-son-will-now-be-called-Ironside is supposed to marry a queen? Unless Porunn is going to die, which I'm all for.

Am I the only one thinking at some point Ragnar and Floki had a discussion about distancing themselves from one another, so Floki could become a Vikings-era spy in Horik's camp? That conversation on being a traitor was held too close within Horik's earshot for it to have been real. They haven't talked to each other