Ash Ally

Can someone explain what was Felicity mad at?
First, I thought it was because Oliver said he's teaming up with crazy Malcolm. But then Oliver says that's not really why she's mad.
So then she says he didn't come to them sooner… I mean, he seemed pretty busy, between catching a flight and seeing his sister and leading

I'm assuming the writer is implying that by nature of being black, they've had to work "twice as hard" to get where they are and also that the criminal justice system has been proven to be consistently setup against blacks, so you don't just throw away that hard work for a random white girl you barely know.

I choose Olivia too… But how can you not be Team Jake after witnessing those dance moves?

No Laurel… I think this episode rose to A+… Plus we got a freaking salmon ladder appearance!!!! Albeit, not from Oliver, but still!!

Yeah that coat was the one he and Mindy went half on, which is definitely not unisex. But I cracked up.

I need some clarification. Does this mean he won't be back to TVD?

I'd pay to watch that crossover.

So much has happened in six episodes. I totally forgot about that plotline.

I have no shame. I totally hit rewind on that.

Still haven't figured out which team I'm on, but after this episode, I'm leaning toward Team Rafael. That man's body is just… Damn, lol. But I feel bad for Michael. He's such a sweet guy, but he never once thought about Jane through all the lies.

Even as a kid, I knew those prices were ridiculous. It makes sense now though, SS versus every grocery store in Michigan.

JayZ likes to use that "eat the cake" line A LOT… I know a lot of rappers do as a reference to cocaine, but, either they don't understand what it means or they're admitting some pretty heinous secrets. I was watching Beyonce's concert episode on HBO recently where they performed Drunk In Love, and both of them were

I remember reading somewhere years ago that after they filmed that rape scene, none of the other crew or cast members could look Lawrence Fishbourne in the eye and it was awkward on set. It took Angela Bassett making jokes or getting everybody back comfortable with one another for things to return to normal.

I debated going on a tirade about how this review is awful.

Hate crimes aren't just racial, Sonia. There are hate crimes against the gay, lesbian and transgender community. There are religious hate crimes, which was displayed on the show. I know current state laws differ on what is officially a hate crime, but I believe we're watching an TV show where the ATFE is now also in

So this song came out when I was in elementary/middle school… 1997, I would've been 11, so 6th grade… I distinctly remember my grandmother picking me up from Catholic school one day and me singing this song at the top of my lungs in the car. I know she didn't sing along, because this wasn't her kind of music. At the

Somehow I'm sensing a Mercy vs. Mary vs. Anne type showdown in the future.

I've been watching it Monday's on Hulu Plus. I still don't know what channel WGN is on DirectTV.

**Golf clap**
Best of luck to you Todd!! I'm already enjoying Vox, can't wait to see your contribution. Epic, sir. Just epic.

Laughing at myself… totally Janos Slynt that one up… what wights? there's no such thing as wights