Ash Ally

Why couldn't Laurel's death work for Sara the way Tommy's death worked for Oliver… that way we get our Black Canary with hope all bundled in a nice bow. That would work really well for me as a viewer.

This is difficult to express without spoiling, but considering the direction the Cersei-Jaime relationship is going (and I'm only on Book 4), what happened on TV made a lot more sense versus that sex scene in the book. I imagine a lot of that had to do with timing. That book scene happens once Jaime returns to King's

I'm a Detroit native and was a wee babe when the Bad Boys brought us back-to-back championships. The funny part about this documentary was how exciting the game used to be. Now, with all the hoopla around the Heat or the Pacers, or OK City, NONE of them (Bron, DWade, Durant, etc…) could've survived the NBA at it's

Agreed. Also, I found it a little disconcerting when they broke down the number of people she'd dated in the office alone. As much as I enjoy the Danny-Mindy dynamic, if they can't be together, girlfriend needs to single it for awhile.

BTW, what's up with the double episodes? Is Mindy Project becoming an hour-long thing now? My DirectTV guide doesn't even recognize it as two separate episodes. I know they can't be burning through episodes because the show was renewed.

I was a little stunned at how they made Danny look so bad.

I love this. Everything I feel about Macklemore and "Same Love" is right here. In any case, I suspect Macklemore is a couple of hit wonder anyway. He and Ryan Lewis won't be around for long.

Ah, okay. My friend and I missed the "previously on" in order to catch the "next week" clip for Once Upon a Time.

Also, was this the first time we've heard on the show that Rhaegar "left his wife for another women." Not, "he kidnapped another woman," or "he abducted another woman." One of my favorite things about this massive story is how history changes based on one's perspective (obviously, but something so simple is hardly

BTW,***semi-spoilers*** if Shae's story ends up going a different route from the book, I'm going to be upset that I've been hating on her for like two seasons now. My friends, who haven't read, see her on screen and talk about how much they like her and all I can do is awkwardly raise my eyebrows and keep my mouth

Did it bother anyone that Tywin nor Jaime actually explained the new swords were forged from Ice? I'm watching this with an "unsullied"/non-bookreader and I'm pretty sure she didn't understand why that sword was important or why there was focus on it.

Just kill her off already!!!

I realize that now. Think I zoned out for anything having to do with Glenn's group and in my head pushed a cool moment like one of the groups arriving at Terminus to a better group (Carol/Tyreese).

Ohhhh, am I getting my closing shots of Terminus confused?? Which one is the one where they showed Carl's candy wrapper on the tracks? Was that the end of Carol/Tyreese/Judith episode? Then I guess that means they weren't too far behind and probably heard the gunshots.

Funny story, but my co-worker has a 9-year-old daughter and 13-year-old son. Her husband loves TWD and allows their son to watch. Well my co-worker found out recently that her husband was allowing their daughter to sneak and watch it too. They would DVR and watch TWD the next day together while my co-worker was still

Yeah we did, at the end of the episode where Carol killed the crazy Lizzie. After her and Tyreese have their heart to heart, they leave that house with Judith and the next scene is of them arriving to Terminus and meeting that lady who was cutting up the meat.

In my head, Rick gets to Deserves It Dan's Johnson right as the camera pulls away, although you're right… he should've started there.

I was just as confused. I thought she was a former nun and then got married.

I would love a Silmarillion adaptation. I took a class on Tolkien in college, this was a couple of years after the LOTR movies had finished, so it was still really popular, and The Silmarillion was my favorite part of the class.

I figured the point of that was to show that another year had passed??? Cause he talks about it being New Year's Eve. But then I wondered, how the hell would he know? Is anyone actually keeping track of days or time or months in this world?