Ash Ally

It started lower… then it gradually moved up as Rick cut him open. Then the camera moved away and you hear Rick cutting and cutting and cutting.

After watching Talking Dead, I especially now wish Rick would've said "they're fucking with the wrong people" instead of screwing. The FCC doesn't regulate cable TV like they do broadcast and "bitch" and "shit" are used all the time. At most TWD would've received a fine, but the show makes enough money and grabs

Turn does look like it's going to be exciting. But I'm going to have to DVR it and watch GoT first.

I imagine zombie meat is the same thing as any type of rotten meat. You wouldn't eat rotten beef or chicken. It would make you sick and kill you.

We saw Judith, Carol and Tyreese arrive awhile back, although we don't know if they got there before or after Ringleader/Archer/Samurai/TheKid. I'm hoping it's after, and that was a "flash forward" or something we saw a few episodes ago. Not to mention, there didn't seem to be any sign of them when Rick was Finding

So is Athelstan supposed to marry the girl with half a face now because he envisioned her as the Virgin Mary? I can't figure him out. Is he going insane? Is he seeing Norse and Christian images?? Why didn't he eat the communion bread?

I missed the rationale behind Ragnar telling Bjorn he still has a lot to learn. Is it because he fell down during the fight with Borg? I noticed Ragnar and Lagertha exchanging a lot of looks over Bjorn's fighting, but I completely missed the subtext. I just assumed they were being parents keeping an eye on their son.

I know it's been awhile since Mellie has had "some", but really, twice in one day with your husband not far away, unlocked doors and your children in town!!! I mean, she got caught two weeks into this affair… that's just amateur.

Spoiler? I think his brothers turn out to be pretty great too.

I'm trying to figure out the moment I stopped caring about Glenn and Maggie as a couple. Maybe it was around the time the show threatened to kill one of them off earlier this season with the prison plague?? I don't know. I just know I used to like them a lot more.

Everything about that scene was beautiful and awesome. Even Lagertha, she didn't have to say anything, just stood to the side with pride. The guy who plays Bjorn (Hunger Games guy), I love how he manages to embody some of young Bjorn, all of Lagertha, and Ragnar's calm/wise nature. Can't wait to see what he's like in

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: You think this show is excellent on History Channel, just imagine how awesome it would be on HBO!

I was wondering about this too. Did a quick Wikipedia search (I know, I know) and saw that crucifixion still happens in some parts of the world as capital punishment. It was also used by Germans in World War I and against Germans by Soviets in World War II. The whole thing still doesn't make sense to me though about

Sex on this show always looks unappealing. Mellie and Andrew = no chemistry. Huck and Quinn = just straight up gross.

To clarify, the way I see Beth now is probably more 18/19ish, but when she first appeared in Season 2, I believe she may have been 16/17ish.

I'm not sure Zack saw the same thing the rest of us did. He's given higher grades to worse episodes, so maybe he just needs to re-watch it or something. This episode is hands down the best one of the season.

Think that's what I liked best about this episode. Damned if you do, Damned if you don't situation for Carol. She wasn't tough with Sophia, so she tries to be tough with Mika and Lizzie, but then they all end up dead. Maybe it's all about striking that perfect balance for Judith?

Now I'm wondering if it'll even be back for a second season.

Thanks everyone. Sounds like I should just wait until the end…

Malik is the Sasha Fierce to my Hova.
Will you be my Kelly Rowland.
I liked it so much I have to put a ring on it.
Thank you, Beyonce!