Ash Ally

I stopped watching this show around Episode 4, haven't been back since, mostly because it kept me from The Mindy Project/Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Recently two friends (they're sisters and I trust their opinion on all things nerdy, fun and Marvel), told me that after this episode they decided to drop S.H.I.E.L.D. because it

Well that sucks. I have Apple TV, with Netflix and Hulu subscriptions… as much as I want to start watching Orphan Black, it's not enough to try and figure out a way to get it to my TV and pay for a Prime membership. There's plenty of other great shows to occupy my time.

Good point. I don't know a single couple that's had a "meet cute" moment.

Obviously, but that's clearly not what The Walking Dead was trying to do. They just had a casting person who decided to go with any black kid. Trust me, my mom (dark-skinned) used to deal all the time in people thinking she was "baby-sitting" or "adopted" me, because I'm far more light-skinned than her. But my father

Journalist is on the list, which is funny to me, because I do work at a newspaper and (because of my profession) practically all of my friends are writers. Also… none of our lives would ever be accurately portrayed in a rom-com, more like a political thriller. Who the hell has time for a meet-cute when you're stressed

How was that still safe to eat??? Didn't they say it's been 2 years in show time since the zombie apocalypse happened?? Some of these "canned goods" should be past the expiration date. Carl should've been bent over sick with diarrhea for eating that, lol.

Sounds about right. On Talking Dead I believe Nicotero said it's been two years of zombie apocalypse.

It's been two years. Wasn't he 12 or 13 at the very start??? So it would make sense that now he's 14/15ish.

Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. You are correct!

Mike did call the boy "his son", but no way did Michonne and Mike create that little boy, even in fake life, lol.

I watched the first two women compete in slopestyle, just because I'd never heard of it before and then turned the channel out of boredom.

Wow this episode sucked, I'm surprised by the high grade. It's probably the first Modern Family I turned off in the middle of an episode just to channel flip.

Just remembered they both were even on Spartacus. So I'm guessing there's a lot of Spartacus and Doctor Who fans in Arrow writers room. I am not mad at that!!!

I don't think it's the character, so much as the actress playing her is just really really bad.

I just hope the writers are recognizing this as well and realized with this episode… oh shit, we can't kill off Sara, everyone loves her! Maybe the new game plan involves drunk Laurel doing something stupid, ending up dead, and Black Canary/Sara fighting on in her name.

I honestly didn't see anything wrong with Hannah's reaction to her editor's death. He didn't seem like someone she really knew anyway. And you're right about writers, to the point that I think it's worst for journalists. I've learned over the years that I have to show more emotion when something bad happens to other

This was me about three months ago, but then I just slowly starting watching it on Netflix and now I can't stop.

That's a good job outta you!

I'll be quitting with you if that happens.

I agree about the marketing, there's something a little off about it. It's on Netflix, so I'll probably scan through here for an A-rated episode and watch that one.