Sir I Believe That is My Toque

I always think of him as the frontman for Screeching Weasel.

Good news for Dog, I guess
But could Larry King's old audience really account for that much of a ratings boost?

In related news,
Emelio Estevez nodded off at 9:30 pm with a hand full of his own flaccid penis. 3rd Eye Blind played quitely in the background.

Not familiar with the burgeoning milf genre, I take it.

one drunken Nazi party and it's your brother that gets all the primo tail, and a sweet Lifetime movie to boot.

Come for the tractor pulls, stay for the Molly Hatchet (with special guest Aerosmith).

Goddammit, mixed up Franz and Farina. In my defense:

I'll take the tiger and lay the points. Unless it's a koala. Those fuckers are sneaky.

Only if it features
sweet, sweet Farina ass.

I cannot support the Chinese Tiger Mother
Has nothing to do with how she abuses her kid. That's her business. I'm still pretty upset about that practical joke she played on me involving human urine and cola, though.

I saw the Grim Reaper in uncle Walter's hospital room, but he didn't make the recption.

"She hopped seductively into the smoky foyer. The twist had a gam that just wouldn't stop…"

She drifted in on a jasmine-scented breeze like a dream, or more probably a raven-haired nightmare. The pouty, impossibly red lips, the kind of gams that'd make a friar blush and a top-shelf that'd be more than enough for two normal dames.

If you want a documentary that actually makes you love the band more, check out "Half Japanese: The Band that would be King". Jad Fair is the real motherfucking deal.

Watched this last week
The opening scene had me thinking it was going to flat-out kick ass. Absolutely no setup. and within 15 seconds we're right into jarring, seemingly random violence. Obviously you can't sustain that pace and those level of surprises for 90 minutes, but I really don't think the remainder of the

I may be old, but I'm hung like Ian Curtis, baby.

Is there any doubt that Chairman Kaga will be the emcee?

"Dammit, Chrst, you've gone too far this time! You dissapear for 3 days and come back wrapped in nothing but a shroud? This is worse than the time you turned the coffee into wine! And those tax-collectors you worked over are suing the department. You're finished. Hand over your badge and your sword. Whaddaya mean you

I thought the Poe"Masters of Horror " was pretty weak. Particularly when compared to, say, 'Cigarette Burns" from the same series. It also featured an inexcusable lack of tits.

Sexy Poe? Gotcha covered: Coming this fall from NBC/Comcast, "The Clit and the Pudendum".