Sir I Believe That is My Toque

*quietly walks cow*

As an American who lives in Asia, let me just add…erm…wher was I oing with this again?

That's a Hamm-fisted request.

I say this from hard-earned experience: If a woman who you've yet to sleep with strips off in your bedroom, grabs her ankles and whispers over her shoulder, "What do you see?", "China" is not the correct answer.

My family comes for the porn, but stays for the glory-holes.

I lost a ton betting on the human. Those judges must have been blind. Accosta got ass-fucked!

Drakkar Blanc et Rouge.

He is getting older. He was bound to take a (parrot) header sooner or later.

The good news is, a quick dip o' the cock in holy water and you're right as rain.

Until there's a show about teenage Fruit Brutes, count me out.

I'm no advertiser
But I bailed on this show 10 minutes into the first episode.

'Mario Battagli's Simple Italian Food' is a cookbook!

No no no. It was a website for men who couldn't find what they were looking for on Jdate. It was called Bring the Goys.

Well, if ever there were a hanging curveball for racist commenters, this is that pitch.

Wait, you can have sex sober? Who knew?

Your faith is misplaced.

We will sell no film before it's time.

That reminds me, how much do I owe you for that shampoo?

Harder than 'Monster a Go-Go'? I ask because I would not have thought that possible?

There has never been,
to my knowledge, a decent-looking white drag queen. Black? Sure. Latin? You betcha. Asian? An embarrassment of penis-tucked riches. But nary a honky in the mx. I'm just sayin,?