Sir I Believe That is My Toque

That drum solo's so long that on the 8 track it carries ovee from one track to the next. Yes, I actually this.

David Cross just called. You owe him fifty cents.

Had a fair amount of vinyl from both bands. Didn't know Lance Hahn had died until today. At times, they touched greatness. Kinda seems like it all meant something back in the old Maximum Rock n Roll days…

hmm…so French people really do read the Onion.

At first I thought it was Malcolm Jamal Warner, but I wasn't sure based on the voice. Jesus, he makes Barry White sound like a castrato.


"The Schlongs Have Eyes" or 'The Russet Trombone'? I always get those two confused.

Considerably less tea-bagging in the Chaplin version.

I don't play golf. What's the ettiquette here, am I supposed to go nail some Hooter's waitresses now?

She was the logical choice.

An even better ending?
Quick, somebody alert Glen Beck!

I've been watching alot of crappy tv lately (and I'm talkin' 'The Cape' level of crappiness) and this is the one and only show that I seriously couldn't get through.

Goddammit, man. You're tempting fate here…

Circle gets the square!

And to think, they laughed at my first pitch for 'My Dinner with Andre: 3D'. Who's laughin' now, motherfuckers?

Please stop mentioning Ann Hathaway. That poor fool from yesterday must have a claw for a hand already.

And by 'girlfriend' he means 'balls'.

Haven't picked up 'Blood's a Rover' yet. I take it it's good? Read most everything else, though. I personally love his hyper-noir style, but I do think it's easier to start with a novel that doesn't utilize it quite so heavily. His rhythm becomes infectious. At times while reading 'Cold Six Thousand' it occured

The aforementioned Superbad was a fine offering. If you're a certain kind of asshole (and I, apparently, am) both The Aristocrats and Borat brought the laugh out loud funny.

I can't, in good conscience, support either Pineapple Express or Walk Hard. But Superbad is so good that it could make up for at least a half-dozen missteps.