Sir I Believe That is My Toque

I watched the first ep of the British version 2 days ago
and then watched this one today. The American pilot was not a note for note copy of the original. Contrary to what a lot of people are saying, I thought the werewolf guy's acting was distractingly bad. The music on the US version is way shittier than that on

So, let me get this straight, you're a woman who makes out with strippers and digs Deadpool? Sweet Jebus, please tell me you're Asian.

True. Avatar would have been a much better movie if all of those blue guys looked like the Toxic Avenger.

Yeah, there's a cruise. I'm pretty sure the keno is rigged and Folds can't limbo for shit. Then again, the roast beef combo's only $9.95.

As someone who quit a highly paid professional job to open his own bar, let me just say this, be careful what you ask for, bub.

Wait, this wasn't a Troma film? Wow. Just, wow.

Cake has some decent songs, including the "I Will Survive" cover. Best cover ever, though? There's only one right answer kids, "Eight Miles High" by Husker Du.*

Let's Get to the Heart of the Matter, Shall We?
How goddamned hot is that Indian chick from the opening scene? Yowzers.

Joe Rogan can still be seen on all UFC shows.

As to anthology shows, Masters of Horror had a handful of really good episodes, John Carpenter's "Cigarette Burns" from that series was damned good. Also, even the lesser offerings generally featured tits, so there's that.

He's a secretarial-savant. Types 320 words a minute.

Yup, poor tike got the combo-platter.

Anne Hathaway is a physically attractive human being
Can't remember where I read it, but apparently she's so fetching that there is a gentleman who chronically masturbates at the mere sight of her.

You might have been a bit hasty on the annoying child actor square. Keep in mind, this one can't talk.

I loved that hat. Fucking cow.

So, Robin's dad is Leland Palmer? I'm thinkin' this could give rise to "a very special episode" of an entirely different sort…

Conscience do cost.

I resolved to do nothing this year. Almost 2 months in, I'm lookin' pretty good.

No. No. No. You've got it all wrong. The one armed guy was a bearded shoe salesman named Mike. Somehow he was involved with Bob. He also required intravenous drugs to stay what passed for sane. I think he might have been the bassist in Poison too.

He's a clever guy. I'll guarantee he's a leg up on her already.