Sir I Believe That is My Toque

I've heard that they're going with a radical reinterpretation of the original source material. The DeNiro part will be played by Penelope Cruz and Bernhard's role will be taken over by GLAVIN Diesel.

Best band yet? What of Johnny Marr and the Proclaimers? What of that one The The album? Say what you want about them as human beings, one thing should not be up for debate, Morrissey has produced a helluva lot more great music post-Smiths than Marr has. Having said that, Marr has set a pretty low bar.

You are morbid

I forgot about that one. Almost as obscure a nugget as the fact that Wallace Shawn, when part of The 2 Live Crew's posse, was the inspiration for their hit "Hey, We Want Some Pussy". Real poon hound, that little fella.

I quite enjoyed "Infinite Playlist". There is one issue I'd like to bring up regarding Kat Dennings, though. I'm struggling with how to phrase this as delicately as possible…

If that's the case Mr. O'Neal you must have really, really enjoyed Misfits concerts circa 1982.

I wasn't surprised, as such, either. I knew the muff-like object was going to be an armpit as well. That doesn't negate the fact that the lipstick gag was well done.

It was an outstanding season, too. The last two episodes were fantastic.

They will all, of course, pale in comparison to Gilbert Gottfried's scandalous tell-all about his years as the pussy-wrangler for Biz Markie.

Am I missing something here
Or wasn't Richard Ramirez hispanic? What's next, Edward James Olmos as Gacey?

Shouldn't that read
"He then presented Mr. Gethard with several farewell gifts including Tic Tacs, cologne, lip balm, three strippers (almost certainly fake)"?

Sounds like "The Protector" of which you speak was released as "Tom Yum Kung" over here.

Can't even get through an emcee gig without a beverage? Gallagher would be aghast.

The "little red rocket" gag was, indeed, goddamned funny. 2 entire episodes of 'Bob's Burgers' have yet to produce anything approaching the funny in that 15 seconds of 'Family Guy'.

Not tryin to be a contrarian here, but two episodes in I find myself asking "where is the funny?".

As someone who was in college radio for the music side of things, I can confirm Lee Ranaldo's post. All the sports guys at our station were annoying guys from the East Coast who, for reasons that elluded us all, were way into hockey. Now that I think about it, maybe hockey is sort of the indie-rock of sports…with

I first saw Ong Bak in Thailand with no subtitles. Even without understanding much of the dialog it was still one of the best kung fu style movies ever. Tom Yum Kung is watchable, if not spectacular. The scene where Tony Jaa runs into another more famous Asian action star in the airport is outstanding. Ong Bak 3,

But dude, I'm not even Catholic.

Thanks alot, Mary. Now I have even more reasons to be ashamed that I find her attractive.

I actually know who 11 people on this list are. That's a record for "Celebrity" Apprentice.