Sir I Believe That is My Toque

Often, the guy does come off as more than a bit of a prick. That being said, my first exposure to this show was yesterday. I laughed many times. That almost never happens with a TV show. Some of the stuff that was cracking me up was incredibly juvenile, but the fact remains.

"Let's not forget she's a terrible actress."

If they go with pre-recorded Jim Varney clips, there are really gonna have to be alot of plots revolving around guys named Verne.

That part was actually easier than you'd think.

Pacman Gets His Own Show?
I can't believe they passed on my idea for a "Joust" reality show. Do you have any idea how long it takes to genetically engineer pterodactlys? And domesticate them? I can't even bear revisiting the trials of teaching ostriches to fly. And for all my efforts, this is what I get.

Why don't I ever meet a piss-drunk Michelle Rodriguez at a bar? Oh yeah, I rarely leave my room.

First boner feelings from MRS. Huxtable? Sir, may I direct you to the movie 'Angel Heart'?

I, also, despised Roseanne. I grew up in a working class family in the Midwest, so you'd think I'd be the target demo. The fact that the titular character was a screechy, talentless harpy may have factored into my distaste for the show somehow.

You can tell them apart quite easily in that Glenn Beck is the one that Bill Maher doesn't want to fuck.

Curb Your Bitch.

I always wondered who actually bought those.

I have a big problem suspending my disbelief enough to swallow the fiction that the 'hot chick' is meant to be considered physically attractive. Sorta like 'Sex and the City'.

For a year? I drank for free at my bar for 5 years before we went tits up in November. Then again, things are a fair bit cheaper in Bangkok. End result was the same, I guess. Life-altering business decisions and alcohol are a cocktail best left unquaffed.

Only cockney bootblack? What, they don't have chimney sweeps anymore?

I have a photo of a surprisingly attractive woman from a long ago Las Vegas Shakedown who was wearing a tube top with the words 'The Felchers' bedazzled across it. She was nifty.

I'm guessing this isn't on heavy rotatation at WNUR.

Can't really judge you too harshly. After all, she can turn the world on with her smile. (Insert lame 'oh Mr. Grant joke here').

Don't think I'm gonna get too excited
until some good Samaritan comes out with an Ugly Americans porn. I'm thinkin' Alexis Love as Callie.

As long as we're this far off track, I sorta knew Matt Sweeney in college (yeah, I'm that old). He was playing in Skunk at the time and he used to frequent the video arcade I was working in…lad was a big fan of 'Contra'. He wrote a weekly column for the school paper called "My War". It featured the still classic

Unless I'm terribly mistaken, both Cross and Clowes are from and/or have lived for a fair chunk of their lives in the greater Chicago-accent area. Jim Belushi is the posterchild for all annoying meathead Chicago-types. They are pretty much the antithesis of this. Hence the mutual hatred. By the way, both Clowes