
@avclub-de9878e9d33c60263a094abc94fab3f0:disqus  - from what I've read, they're being prosecuted on charges of hooliganism and religious hatred.  Part of what they were protesting in the first place was Putin's close ties with the Orthodox Church - from what I understand, Putin didn't like being called out so publicly.

So many come from his own country…

So many come from his own country…

As far as I can tell, it actually had less to do with sullying Jesus, and more to do with sullying Putin - it was a "punk prayer" basically asking for Putin not to be re-elected. It seems like the conservative Russian media & judicial system has tried to spin it into a "Religious Hatred" thing.

As far as I can tell, it actually had less to do with sullying Jesus, and more to do with sullying Putin - it was a "punk prayer" basically asking for Putin not to be re-elected. It seems like the conservative Russian media & judicial system has tried to spin it into a "Religious Hatred" thing.

I got yelled at in 7th grade for laughing at the Propeller thing too - we were watching some "making of" feature or something in class, and I started cracking up.

I got yelled at in 7th grade for laughing at the Propeller thing too - we were watching some "making of" feature or something in class, and I started cracking up.

Then @avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus , I will dedicate my hip 20-something body-switching comedy blog post to you, my friend.

Then @avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus , I will dedicate my hip 20-something body-switching comedy blog post to you, my friend.

I am, and no one cares anyway.  I think it's my old soul - I blog like an old lady.

I am, and no one cares anyway.  I think it's my old soul - I blog like an old lady.

I want to see a body switching comedy about two hip 20-somethings living in different cities - there would be so many hilarious regional mishaps!!!

I want to see a body switching comedy about two hip 20-somethings living in different cities - there would be so many hilarious regional mishaps!!!

The easiest & cheapest costume I ever did was Party Down last year - assuming you own a white button down and black pants, you can find pink pre-tied bowties on the internet for like, 5 bucks.  It's both clever and cheap!!

The easiest & cheapest costume I ever did was Party Down last year - assuming you own a white button down and black pants, you can find pink pre-tied bowties on the internet for like, 5 bucks.  It's both clever and cheap!!

This is the same show that Greg Kelly used to host (a Soup mainstay)

This is the same show that Greg Kelly used to host (a Soup mainstay)

Yep, but at least he's a well drawn not-real bunny.

Yep, but at least he's a well drawn not-real bunny.

@avclub-1beee9fdd7f132dc2f36c09ae265122c:disqus  - ok that sounds pretty different to me - and also fun.  But maybe it's silly to argue nuance…good luck!