I actually was under the impression Walt wasn't necessarily dead at the end of the episode - due to the whole "getting shot in the gut takes a long time to kill you" thing - I figured he passed out from pain.
I actually was under the impression Walt wasn't necessarily dead at the end of the episode - due to the whole "getting shot in the gut takes a long time to kill you" thing - I figured he passed out from pain.
Oh man, I'm kind of hoping for a "Leslie has to make a new best friend as an adult" plotline - I see a lot of potential comedy in that. This is also assuming that Ann & Chris are leaving Pawnee, or something. We'll see?
I self publish my comics (mostly due to a lack of confidence and/or that one "really good idea"), and at least in the indie comics world, there's a fairly healthy market for self published stuff - I do a few conventions & shows every year, and sell stuff online the rest of the time. While I'm not making crazy money, I…
@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus - Unfortunately, with tons more job applicants then jobs these days, they're looking for any flimsy excuse to not hire you - this is a little off topic as well, but there are actually websites that exist solely for HR people to sit around and talk shit about…
Agreed. The only people, in my personal experience (in cartooning/illustration, at least), who can "jump into the deep end" are either immensely talented, and therefore only go for a short while being broke & underfunded, or trust fund kids. Day jobs, albeit flexible ones, are the norm for most of the artsy…
He also has some original Cat -based work up in Orbital Gallery in London - pretty darn cool - http://www.orbitalcomics.co…
If you're not in London, here are the pictures:
I'd say this also applies to "Jack & Jill" & "That's My Boy".
"The Hipster Singularity"
Funny - before I knew the D.W. were from Portland, I always imagined this song was about Williamsburg/ Bushwick- area Brooklyn hipsters.
@avclub-f6d4ade4609103f91eb96ba112158dff:disqus - I know a lot of powerful, smart, not-at-all lonely women who absolutely love cats - I saw it as a power move for Peggy. Men won't/can't help? Get someone (in this instance, a cat) who will!!
Sloan!!! I also saw Super Furry Animals & Squirrel Nut Zippers there - good times.
Rumor has it you may not even need to leave Jersey City for the "Maxwells" experience anymore - they may be "re-opening" in Downtown JC.
Remember to take your Ding-Dongs out of the foil before microwaving.
Your credit will still be ruined, tho - the loans will just go into default. I assume this guy plans on paying for everything in cash from now on?
This episode reminded me of the Beach Boys "Ding Dang" from the "Love You" album (created during a Brian Wilson/ Roger McGuinn coke binge, a hilarious song that has almost zero musical value & farty synth bass) - you had to kind of know NOTHING was going to come of this "working weekend", because almost no one makes…
@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus - http://25.media.tumblr.com/…
Clearly, it's Robert Cop - everyone's favorite fearless non-union Chinese toy equivalent.
@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus - It is indeed Quebec's greatest gift to the world (perhaps their only gift??)
Liked for the first "Science Channel" pick I've seen in this thread.
The refueling scene music from "The Starfighters" would be a wonderful sleep aid - I wish I could find it somewhere, and put it on a loop. A soothing, soothing loop…