
So the scarves it where this all went wrong - interesting. I will now considered putting in "NO SCARVES PLS" on any pilots I write in the future.

I haven't watched this show, but I'm curious as to how they messed up this show so badly - the premise actually sounds kind of funny, and I think done well, with good acting and writing, could have been a decent show.

I wouldn't say it's Jurrasic - don't age yourself too much there, Rationalist. I know he's not Orson Welles "olde tyme" (with a y for double oldness), but I think he's an interesting offshoot of a more radio-centric age - just surprised of no mention at all given his stature and storytelling ability.

Yeah, I see what you mean about Shelly Winters…

Some side by side comparison photos would be interesting…

Interesting article, but no mention of Jean Sheppard (the man we can thank/curse, depending on your pov, for 'A Christmas Story')?  He did a lot of really great radio work - was he not old-timey enough for the list?

I clicked on this article soley to look at that picture, and then comment on the young Orson Wells.

Dang, I was wrong - I thought they lost someone between 'R' and SFTD. Guess they just added Grohl.  I've never seen any Anthony Bourdain, but I've read some interviews with Homme - I've always gotten the impression he's an intelligent, smart-ass kinda guy - maybe it's my personal assumption about the dark stuff,

He looks like a reincarnated GG Allin.

I think 'relatively' is the key word there - he may not beat women, but he's defintely got some dark shit going on - unless he puts on an incredible act. Homme seems like the kinda guy that's seen and done some shit, but chose, for the sake of music or sanity, to put it in the past.

I feel like if Josh Homme (who I love, don't get me wrong, but he's a little unhinged-seeming) distances himself from you, it's not that suprising when the police find you with guns and drugs holed up somewhere in LA.

Posters like you wouldn't believe, Double-Hawk!

It was a really awesome show - my friends and I scalped tickets from a scalper (bought em' for $10 bucks each the day before the show!) and went last minute.  One of the best things said at the early show - Hardy Rawls' favorite episode is "King of the Road"! And "KotR" was apparently filmed on Route 80 in Jersey

Every ad I keep seeing says "…and in TREE-D!" as if its the most clever phrase ever uttered at the end of a movie trailer ever, and not some lispy utterance you usually hear from a three year old.

K.Thrace - I tried the "thinking of *blank* as playful" tactic with Shakespeare, and I still loathe Shakespeare.

Here's to a true patriot! (Hope everything's well, worried that it's not, though)

Starburns? Is Dino Stamotopoulous too busy for Community?

I think O&R doesn't have to ask why Seth Rogan's character is the way he is - it shows you.  He's bi-polar, with an alcoholic mother, an absent father, and a distinct lack of success in his life.  I think that pretty much explains why he's desperate and delusional - he wants to be someone, but he doesn't have to tools

That they are a delightful group of baseball gents who play with enthusiasm and professionalism…

Detroit's not that bad - plus, the people are generally nice. Detroit has a really bad rep, but if you go there with someone who knows the area, it's a lot of fun. Boston may be a nicer city, infrastructure & service -wise, but it's got some really weird anger issues - you always feel one stray comment about the Red