
That episode was awesome.

Anyone notice how the same debate happens whenever any story with the word "transgendered" in it appears on the AV Club?

…so let me get this straight ….a comedy show that is known for mocking people is not allowed to mock certain people?

This new Superman movie is going to suck unless Doomsday is in it.

The Tudors is a great show. Completely historically inaccurate, but definitely worth watching.

I kind of want to hear "Twitch" now that I've read about it on here.

Prodigy gets a lifetime pass not only for "Shook Ones" but for "Mac 10 Handle," which (in my opinion) is leagues ahead of any Jay-Z single for the past decade or so.

Travis Barker, yes.

Kelly Hrudey.


The Dwarves are fucking amazing live.

The "other black guy" is actually half-Filipino.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. "Mad Men" is NOT neck-and-neck with "the Wire."

Yeah, the "Klosterman acolytes" would find some annoyingly 'ironic' way to appreciate his records.

Wahlberg went, in my opinion, from easily-dismissed Marky Mark to "oh man, Wahlberg is awesome" after his I Heart Huckabees role.

I would just like to mention that pickled onions are amazing. The big "English-style" ones, though. Not those little ones with the sweet taste. Ugh.

This is the second or third time I've seen "American cheese" referenced here.

Holy shit, I'm trying that nutritional yeast thing today. That sounds awesome.

Randy has always been the star of the show, dawg. You just didn't know it.

"Satan is Real" is one of my favourite records ever. It's a masterpiece.