
"Everybody shut up and go listen to Are You Afraid to Die"


Oh yeah, I remember that part. That was pretty ridiculous, but actually believable. I think everyone knows people like that.

Albums aren't cool anymore?

I didn't realize this movie was even remotely well-known. Very surprised to see it here.

Ru Paul is a 'he'.

Ru Paul is not a 'she'. Ru Paul is a dude in a wig.

Fun fact: a lot of people don't want to be living alone in shitty apartments paying a bunch of money to some faceless rental agency when they're 30.

I just didn't like the way he worded it, and the whole premise of "finding oneself" in college is retarded in the first place and has already been done a million times.

The Beatles have about a half dozen songs that are unfuckwithably amazing and the other stuff is just…meh. I guess the songwriting is good and all, and I understand how influential they were, but they've never really done much for me (aside from that handful of brilliant tunes).

Most listened-to car tapes: Pearl Jam's first two albums, Alice in Chains Unplugged and a shitload of Black Uhuru.

Dammit, Miller, you beat me to the "JHUG JHUG" on this one!

I still have all my old White Zombie tapes. Awesome.


Hey "Reality",

I've never seen Glee, but I hate Kings of Leon, so this bald, ugly homosexual has tentatively earned my approval (until I finally see his show and form an opinion on his work)

One more thing: this asshole has five letters in his first name and three of them are Gs. That's not right.

Oh, and re: this guy making shitty movies, what the fuck is THIS about:

I thought Smiley Face was enjoyable for what it was (a retarded pot comedy), but that was due entirely to Anna Faris. Had nothing to do with this guy.

Side B of "My War" is unfuckwithable.