Inter Milan Kundera

"Say when."

I fucking love Hot Fuzz. My favorite story is Pegg and Frost read something Ebert wrote about the most overused action movie cliches and included all of them in the movie.


I have seen it. It has its moments but it is so goddamned stupid.

He appeared on Conan a while back. That's worth checking out, too.

I didn't like Hologram for A King, it may be because I have such high expectations for Eggers (What is the What and You Shall Know Our Velocity are outstanding IMO) but I felt like Hologram dragged on and was too mopey.

"Oh. I've made things worse. I think I'll stop talking to your wife now."

Hopefully the Harry Potter/Twilight/Hunger Games bubble will burst soon.

Fair question. At this point it's all out of morbid curiosity.

Mediocre pretty much hits the nail on the head. It's not that it's bad. It just leaves so much to be desired.

The main thing I gathered from it, and what a lot of people should realize, is that in order to write well, you have to read A LOT. King said 4 hours of writing and 4 of reading per day, which is utterly incomprehensible to some people (like anyone who isn't unemployed) but still, it's good advice.

Has she recommended the Divergent series yet? I'm on the last one and despite being a weird mix of The Matrix, The Giver and (especially in the 3rd one) 1984 I'm not impressed. Roth is lightyears ahead of Meyer and Collins in terms of writing style but that's still not saying all too much.

The go-to for good writing is Stephen King's On Writing . It may be the work he becomes most remembered for, mainly because it has a logical ending.

I'm 300 pages into Divergent . It's a weird amalgamation of Ender's Game, the movie Equilibrium , The Giver and The Matrix, which sounds amazing but it's nothing spectacular.

Gravity Falls is fantastic. I watched a bunch of episodes and it felt like Avatar: The Last Airbender for me in that the quality of the show didn't necessarily match the network it was on. Avatar obviously is the prime example of that because there is no show on Nickelodeon that even comes close to visuals, plotting

Psh. His "that's a dumb place to keep bowls" line tops my list, along with the ep when Linda teaches him to dance and he just randomly makes a customer dance with him.

The silence before that line was the best.

Holy shit this was amazing. I usually chuckle here and there every episode but when Teddy was still stuck in the fridge and he just looks around the kitchen and finally says "That's a dumb place to keep bowls" I almost passed out. Teddy has had so many great lines but that was tremendous.

Dude you need to read Bolano. 2666 is such an enjoyable mindfuck, and The Savage Detectives is brilliant.

Somebody posted "What's your favorite type of lingerie: Pampers or Huggies" and I almost lost consciousness laughing at work.