Inter Milan Kundera

The top two things I think about far too much are:

I laughed so hard the first time I heard "50 shades of grey beat that pussy like Hulk Hogan." He's also on iSpy which is a jam in its own right.

Just finished The Road to Jonestown and am now on The Blood of Emmett Till.

You probably paid to see Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, too.


Also Prince of Persia at the end I whispered to my friend "he literally just negated everything that happens in the movie" and he hit me.

Balls of Fury was so bad the group of people I saw it with banded together to roast it MST3K style.

His bit about how middle school kids ask each other out is so good.

A bunch of comics I know (I've been doing it 7 years) keep saying that with Chappelle it doesn't feel like he's telling jokes. It feels more like he's just hanging out with you in your living room shooting the shit. He's 100% effortless and both of these specials are amazing.

The entire subplot with the golden turd nugget is absolutely ridiculous and proves MacFarlane can actually deliver something instead of phoning it in with stupid cutaways a la Family Guy.

This sounds like it would've been somewhat tolerable in 2009.

The scene where BabyGoose passionately says "jazz is dying" is the hardest I've laughed at anything in a movie in years. I know it's supposed to highlight his love for the music but it's so goddamned stupid to me.

Almost passed out laughing when he smashed the glass/plate on his head.

This entire series is so simple but it's amazing. Sean Evans is a great interviewer but he must have insane IBS.

I liked The Founder but Cardellini is criminally underused in it. Also Keaton is a giant douchebag in it and it's one of his better roles.

Tommy Wiseau.

Yeah the whole concept of this is that you keep watching dogs die which is insanely fucked.

That dude that Chi McBride yelled at every week on Boston Public.

I saw this today. Everyone has a shitty accent, Brendan Gleeson is barely trying, and they gloss over some of the best parts of the book (the fact that Coughlin cements his partnership with Pescatore in prison, Dion Bartolo's betrayal, actually meeting Joe's Hollywood brother, etc.) I feel like this would have worked

The beats on this album are completely nuts. Right now my go to song is "Thieves (Screamed the Ghost) but that's mainly because I love The Twilight Zone so much.