Inter Milan Kundera

Solid list. I like the blurb about Mike Lawrence but one of the biggest things for me about Sadmantium is that it's so reference-heavy. His jokes are solid but his nerdiness almost overwhelms the album.

Yeah but the payoff in that scene in Zombi 2 is so much better. I know it's TV but if Megan's entire damn jugular gets torn out, I wouldn't be upset.

I studied in England for a month a couple summers back and one of the last Saturdays I was there some of my buddies and I ordered Chinese food and watched this, Forrest Gump , Raiders of the Lost Ark and then about 3 full early seasons of Friends . We got into a friendly but heated debate over whether this should

"At least he's not a Roman god, those guys are jerks."

This I believe is going to be a real dilemma. I'm sure the casting people will do fine but there's so many options.

Any one of the following would be spectacular (there's so many awesome choices)

I watched this episode with my mother who's never seen an ep before and we both lost our minds when they went to the 2nd perp's house. Also the scene where Peralta and Holt get past the guard and find the bookie was one of the first times where we see them in action (Samberg's got moves) so that was dope.

This wasn't half bad but SPOILER everyone pick up Joyland . It proves that King can actually tell a story without having it bogged down in an ending that's chock full of bullshit (looking at you, It and Under the Dome .)

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 2: Electroshock Therapy Boogaloo

Yeah said teacher just gave out an essay writing packet SO MORE NOTHING! HOORAY LEARNING.

I'm a teaching assistant at an elementary school and the guy I work with in the afternoon just told his kids that their oftentimes terrible behavior is equivalent to a noose wrapping around their necks so me!

Hollywood exec: (rips his fourth bong hit) "What about Blade Runner?"
Producer: "No. Too brainy."
Hollywood exec. "Porky's?"
Producer: "Internet porn exists, you dolt."
Toothless hobo outside the studio: "ROAD HOUSE."

Yeah my friends and I debated over whether or not they will/should do it. There really isn't a tasteful way to do it, but they could go the route of a baby kidnapping and the Gov. using Judith as leverage or something.

The image of him zombified underwater at the end was cool. I do kinda think that the whole arc covered last week where we see the Governor redeemed as an okay guy gets torn to shit rather quickly here.

The last exchange between Bob and the turkey guy was gold.

This X1000%. So damn brilliant.

Not so much a spoiler but there's a 12-page chapter that's just one gigantic run-on sentence and it's daunting as hell but so worth it.

I read books concurrently because I have useless talents like that so right now I'm reading The Stranger along with Doctor Sleep .

he kicked ass as a janitor

I had an amazing history prof my sophomore year of college who showed us the "Duck and Cover" short followed immediately by a British-produced re-creation of a full-fledged nuclear attack, complete with flash-blinded people and roasted bodies. That shit was crazy.