Inter Milan Kundera

Peter Jackson's early films are batshit crazy but amazing. I remember bringing my copy of Dead Alive up to the AV room after hours during high school and bringing a bunch of friends to watch it with me. One of our teachers popped in during the "I Kick ass for the Lord!" scene and he wound up watching it with us too.

My favorite of all time was in college we had to watch about 6 movies during the course of the semester for a History of Terrorism course and the one I remember most was "Conspiracy." It's a Nazi film with COLIN FIRTH YOU GUYS and it's super chilling.

I wrote a paper in college about how 1968 was pretty much one of the worst years in modern American history and I spent two pages discussing NOTLD. I saw it for the first time when I was 14 and the ending depressed me for weeks.

We watched parts of "Gladiator" in 7th grade history but we fast forwarded through the gory battle scenes so it was pretty dumb.


Saw a comedienne who had another good one:

He probably asked her what it feels like to be part of a show people actually enjoy and then knocked back 8 shots of Jagermeister whilst crying like Stewie.

Affliction? Virus? Boil? Infected splinter? Pandemic? Scourge?

Oof. The most infamous one I'm familiar with is:

I want to say why aren't they giving Loren Bouchard another show but then I realized having just Bob's Burgers gives him more of a chance to focus on that, so I'm sort of ambivalent to all this. I don't see Family Guy lasting past 2015, Dads needs to get the Old Yeller treatment, and American Dad is actually fine.

Too lazy to look it up but I think they split, but yes at one point he was consistently nailing her so the damage is done.

My favorite part of the whole thing was after the massacre Herschel pulled out a Bible. I was at home alone and just yelled "JUST TURN TO REVELATIONS."

I manage at a comedy club in New Jersey and Richard's daughter Rainn is headlining this Thursday. A bunch of comics and I have talked about how amazing/awful her life must be.

See if I watched that I wouldn't have said anything but Hardwick is annoying as shit to me. Valid point, sir.

Seriously. I played that game in full over the course of 3 days and I couldn't believe it, the final 1/3rd of it was so heartbreaking. If the show ever does something like the "farmhouse meat" scenario I'd go nuts. It's so fucking good and the characters are 1000% better developed than any on the show.

I laughed my ass off when the axe broke in the door. Maggie's face sold it.

This episode had:
-A jingle about a vibrator
-Hannibal Buress! (Hefty Jeff)
-Ken Jeong being creepy as all hell
-An effective mashup of the A and B plot at the very end

Miyazaki is a goddamned genius. His movies are so visually arresting and great.

"Fort Night" had the kids almost crushed by a truck but it was a Halloween ep so it made sense that they tried that.

I was hysterical when I saw the Tears for Fears burger special. This gets an A- from me. Tina's Quippiquisset Island fantasy was fantastic and when she actually got out and swam to shore at the end I lost it. The lute behind the bush was gold, too. The creepy mailman was creepy.