Day late and a foot short

Statistics are like prisoners of war, twist them enough and they'll tell you whatever you want.

It means he's got a fantastic eye for profitable employment, or an agent with that trait. Then again, he may just be fabulously lucky. Either way, I can't hate him for it. King of Fuck Mountain seems to pay well, so…

The above should read: evening editorial "personalities." Not "talent." Sorry about that.

This is a FOX show. No gays, no single parents, and very specific guidelines on when any minority representation will be allowed. Heaven forbid that any of their evening editorial talent or morning show talking heads disapprove and kill Murdoch's synergy…

TheBuldge, had you said Florida State-Virginia Tech, the response may have been different.

"Get down do you?" "Good blow this is!"

Miller's got a point here. How did Mystery Men do at the box office? Could it qualify for MYOF?

I thought the half-assed school of film and television was USC?

O U 8 1 2?

The "drinkability" ads that put "please drink responsibly" in small letters at the bottom of the screen highlight a problem we have with booze here in the US of A. We're going to give a TV network a hard time for for a split-second view of Janet Jackson's nipple, and give Busch/Inbev a pass for telling folks it's way

Tanaka was the fake name we used to get reservations at a sushi place that would always bump the gaijin when the place got crowded.

For a certain price, I'd guillotine my dignity, but I doubt the writer of this ad got that price.

I know, Hood. Sounded delicious.

I just want to dish you out on a plate and SOP you up with a biscuit!!

Doesn't someone else have to consume the beauty drink for you? Like 5 or 6 doses in some cases?

OtP, not so bad as long as there's no plastic shrouds on the living room furniture. And I'm not one to nitpick about grammar (obviously), but the misplaced apostrophe begs the question: how many ladies we talking here? Mormon? Oh the Possibilities indeed.

Clueless and sugartits - hilarious. I find a wee bit of chemical intake will make this sort of thing more palletable (sic). I wrote a paper on tort reform on a combination of strong coffee and Teachers Highland Cream. The poison works fast Dr. Jones. You'll have that stuff knocked out before you know it. Just

I bought Bill and Ted. Both of them. .

Ah, there's one. The Natural. That is acceptable in its edited form.

Rockford brings up an interesting point. Do the preferences change between unedited cable and edited cable? I patently refuse to watch my favorites on TBS/TNT or network TV. I actively avoid them.