Day late and a foot short

I think the Smokin' Aces/Boodock Saints comparison is valid - movies that are trying to outslick Guy Ritchie. Overedited, flashy shooting, Gilmore Girls for guys dialogue, and contrived plot twists. I have no patience for them.

A couple of years back, MJ had to cancel a bunch of shows because he pulled a groin muscle. The reporter didn't mention whose groin muscle he pulled… (bad as they come.)


thoreauly - you need to hit Smut'n Eggs on a Sunday morning at Bennett's on Park if you're in Madison.

I think the awkward date movie is a much better idea for 1st date than the typical RomCom bullshit. You could waste weeks of your life on banality if you don't have that watershed, no-shit conversation starter early on.

you got this tactic from gitmo, didn't you?

If you don't throw in some of Bent's doses of irony, the shit family members say to each other is harder to shrug off than the eggnog hangover…you laugh (or fake it) to keep from crying. Is it January yet? fuck

Waking up, deciding to croak out some christmas tunes and give proceeds to a charity is acceptable use of a lifetime pass. Besides, I believe there's still some Don't Look Back in him - there's got to be a wee bit of bullshit in here somewhere…

Forgive me if this has been discussed, but have y'all heard the review of this from Fresh Air this afternoon. Almost sideswiped a moving van-haven't laughed that hard in a while. Makes "I'll Be Home for Christmas" sound like more of a threat than a promise…

GB decided he was funny and needed to share it with the world. This happens all the time. Somebody with talent - sheesh I shouldn't say "talent" - but someone with celebrity status wakes up and says, "Hey, I can do this! Look at how great I am! Sure, I can succeed at anything!" This is how former CEO's

Amen to Pixar. Got bad news for you, Emily. Not a lot of movie watching went on during the labor I witnessed. Took the wife in to get induced with our first, brought the little DVD player and all. The only time it got used was when she was waiting for her dose of pitocin. After that, not so much. That was just

Sounds like the next Meet the Parents sequal.

Tux, I'm starting to wonder if you work for the studio.

I really lked Jack White's ruminations on Tesla — which is why engineers who happen to like rock and roll should NEVER be allowed to write scripts.

Just so long as this thread isn't driving to Seattle. Too obvious.

…and give you $12 on your birthday.

Strait Outta Fairfax?

Kimstaff - yep, lots of good talent. No, no one is going to step up for you here.

I'm starting a record label called
Max Records. I wanted to get into the industry just in time for the death rattle.

That, and the Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack with the Songs from the Vault collection.