Day late and a foot short

Paragraph 3 makes me want to find a portal into Schwarzenegger's mind in the broom closet at work. "Schwarzenegger, Schwarzenegger Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger? Schwarzenegger, Schwarzenegger…"

If the comparison of Lexington to Athens means Athens, GA then that sounds awesome.

I won't go so far as to lay the crises of the 21st Century on him, but pleny of other shit has gone down in the name of "save this town" thinking. Maybe the town needs to shift gears in order to be more competive - start providing incentives for other types of business develop? YOu gotta get ahead of it because if

Queens of the "Hotel Hit!!"

Fucktardeds (to use DCRJ's term) have 3 strikes against them due to association with christmas spirit.

I know the song is cliche, but I still love how he did the scene in Fear and Loathing where Dr. Thompson recalls the end of the 60's. "…where the wave finally broke…"

Agree that Dr. Parnassus is nerd girl porn or that the rest of us mortal males are (un)fucked? Between the two, there's a pretty deep abyss between taking the wife to this or resorting to trickery to keep her from ever seeing it…

Clearly, with a gag reflex like that you do not work for the federal government.

I'm now imagining a creature like the one from Alien and Space Balls. Can this dick sing?

Yeah, I'd log out to post that one, too.

I always think of 24 Hour Party people when Tony Wilson is pissed off at A Certain Ratio: Jazz is what you do when you can't get a gig, and no one in the audience is enjoying what they're doing nearly as much as they are.

That's tough on speakers though.

I cried a single tear when I heard Phoenix on a Cadillac commercial. It reminded me of when the dbags in school who gave me shit all the time started raving about Vs.

Wonder what the Na'vi have had in their ipods lately?

Griswold? Too lazy for the googles.

Or Mockingbird by Clark W. Griswald…

Glad to hear all those mind-altering blowjobs didn't fuck up your taste in pop culture. 2 weeks of mind-altering blowjobs would probably be like a good waterboarding for me.

It's the kind of music where the kids have started dancing facing the same direction.

NPR did a really flattering piece on Animal Collective. That'll either reinforce what you think if you like them, or reinforce what you think if you hate them.

Shocked that Fergie isn't listed. I got a notice from HR for threatening a coworker with an XM radio. That song played ever 20-25 minutes for several months. DUde was like Milton Waddams and there's nothing worse that Fergie that's just barely audible. YOu want to ignore it, but you just can't. I've since been