Lincolns Revenge

the first sign was when he started referring to it as "the funny."

I think it's 50/50. it could end up like Wild Wild West, but I thought making a Pirates of the Caribbean was a bad idea too.

so what killed AMC
is "fuck you pay me," not running stupid bullshit like Eraser or Rambo III when the series aren't on?

don't forget Kris Kristofferson.

the only thing he does that really bothered me is referring to himself by a lame pseudonym, then promptly forgetting to keep up with it. it doesn't offend me or anything, I just don't get how that's supposed to be a joke and I've never found it funny. at least the repeatedly drawn out mentioning of retiring "what's

yeah, guys like Keri show how poorly or uninformed Simmons is and he ends up retorting back some version of "it just FEELS like…" without any evidence to back up his opinions.

this is still my all-time favorite game, followed closely by the original Halo, but decades later I STILL have never finished the second quest.

well not with THAT attitude

global warming.

his early stand-up specials, those 30 minutes ones that Comedy Central makes aren't bad. where he turned the douchey corner to me was doing stand-up in the round at MSG.


yeah, not that I look for a ton of logic in a GI Joe movie, but wasn't it Dennis Quaid's character that formed the team in the first movie?

Jezebel James
was actually okay; not great, but it seemed to show promise to get really good if it had more time to develop. I think it's on Hulu.

what about Fuck Buttons?

all baboons must fucking hang.

Nicholas Cage's barely-restrained lunacy?

yeah Kanye's better, but I still love Buffalo '66.

this has a strong Prince feel to it.

just a schtickel of floride.

that's it, I'm taking the Japanese version of the Gamera theme song that Joel & the bots sing and making it into a ringtone.