Lincolns Revenge

no one hates the Dolphins as much as Tony Sparano

being self-aware doesn't mean you're not a racist homophobe, "Larry."

paging Sarah Jessica Parker…

heavy metal made them do whatever it is they're accused of doing.

I'll really miss these sort of exchanges with the coming commentor apocalypse.

I loved Cogburn complaining that Le Boef had "spilled the banks of English."

which is worse: Buck and McCarver or Buck and Troy Aikman? why can't they get Bob Costas for the playoffs somehow?

the one thing Atlanta cares about as a sports city is UGA football. the Braves have trouble selling out playoff games for christ's sake.

they never offer anything interesting and are usually just a bunch of cliches strung together. baseball is especially lousy with this and as Noel points out, is more prone to offer distractions like they don't think the game is enough on its own.

he does make a fair amount of mistakes, but I think that has more to do with his youth and inexperience rather than athletic inability.

why is Joel McHale in this?

his rapidly vanishing hairline is the barometer for the coming Armageddon.

as I recall, Nabin liked Southland Tales.

and they both run commercials during movies now.

I've always liked "water closet," like it's a place to keep raincoats or something.

so the movie's running 5 minutes late?

@Peevish - in terms of being good movies, yes, but they all made shit-tons of money. it's hard to say they were a bad idea for Depp to do.

good thing the entire series of Daria is only around $35 on DVD.

what's pubic hair?

are you sure we're not talking about Sam Worthington?